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Exodus 21:15 - And he that smiteth his father, or his mother, shall be surely put to death.
Active visitors: 5 Link of the Month: Royal Rangers |
Comments about RangerDJ.com 7/26/2002
From: brett toulson
7/26/2002hi im brett i was from delaware and i went to outpost 284,i was in rr for 2 years i moved to pennslvania , i just missed camperama because i had to move that week. im looking around for a new outpost. i like the website god bless ![]()
From: Felix Taylor
7/25/2002hi there i a royal ranger in Ghana. i want you to help me help our small rangers group . thanks felix taylor ![]()
From: Dana Bixler (OP #87 - Penn-Del)
7/25/2002Your website has helped with many requirements, also you did a great job when the boys went to Camporama. We appreciate your gift and labor. Dana (ranger wife & mother) ![]()
From: Willaim Kevin Davis
7/24/2002This is a totally awesome site. It is a wealth of knowledge and very useful tools to us commanders.I wish we had resources like this 10 years ago. Thank you so much for your time and effort. I pray that the Lord richly reward you for your efforts and your gifts of luv! ![]()
From: Richard FitzGerald
7/23/2002Thanks so much for the Camporama Site. My health does not allow me to attend. I was able to get a feel for being there from your site. You did a wonderful job. I found out that we know someone in common. I worked with Gary Johnson here is South Texas on local, sectional and District level. We attended the same church before he left for Kansas City. God Bless. ![]() 7/22/2002
From: Kevin Gell
7/22/2002Hi! The website is looking good. This is my first time to this site. I noticed you have the scouting program listed for boys and girls. Since Missionettes are for girls, where do they do Royal Rangers for girls? -- Kevin Gell, Outpost 65 from Austin, Texas. ![]()
From: Aaron Stringer
7/20/2002Greatings from the great hills of California. I just now visited your website and it is very good and it has alot of good info about this great program we are involved in. a job well done.Keep up the good work. Sicerely, GMA winner and FCF Scout Aaron(FireTender)Stringer ![]()
From: Bill Gossard
7/20/2002Our church is just getting started in Royal Rangers. Our First campout is today. Just looking for tips on getting started. This a very useful Website. thank you. Bill Gossard ![]()
From: Marcel
7/17/2002Hi! That's one of the best sites I've ever seen!!! I'm a brother in god from Germany. Maybe the father in heaven will take our ways together. Be blessed Bye says "Master" ![]()
From: arthur
7/16/2002Arthur- outpost#148-I think this website gives me all the stuff i a Royal Ranger should know. ![]()
From: Minny
7/16/2002Hi! I a Ranger from Germany........just i´m in finnland....to see the land for the europcamp........so my greetings to you and your people...... I like your homepage......but I understand not all :) Be blessed.... ![]()
From: carlos amill
7/16/2002the best thing that has happened to a christian environment. teaching, reaching, and winning children for the glory of God and his kingdom. ![]() 7/16/2002 7/14/2002
From: Caleb Kaylor
7/13/2002Caleb Kaylor 277 Penn/Del This website is awesome! This is the first time I have been on the website. I am in the Pioneers. I will be checking out your games area. Yours truly, Caleb Kaylor ![]()
From: Jamie-Lee
7/11/2002Hi good web site i reraly like like everything on your website Lyndal Hi I realy love your website, Hannna is cute. Your website is cool i like the photo. Cara ![]()
From: (son) Gabriel Comley
From: Ken McDonald
7/9/2002Thanks for all your help. You have continued to provide great resources for us. I am in Sealy Tx outpost 210. On wednesday night we are calling the whole night WOW Wednesday and would like to make some Rangerbucks that are generic between rangers and Missionetts. They would be called WOW bucks probably. Is that a possibility? Can I buy the image itself and modify it or do you want to do it with more than the standard fields. Keep up the good work. Can I download the Knife and Ax Presentation? ![]()
From: Willis Dean Major
7/9/2002Hi my name is Willis Major from Outpost#86....I am the commander for age's 5-8 year old boys...And i am 30 years old and the i like too work with theme.....This website is the best i had seen...And my e-mail is WillisLovesJesus@webtv.net ![]()
From: Alex Lewis,out post4,GA
7/9/2002I Think That Royalrangers IS A Good Thing For Boys All Ages. Alex Lewis. ![]() 7/8/2002
From: joseoh lewis
7/8/2002This website is beautiful becacause I love the royal rangers I'am a royal ranger of hart many many years ago and I want be for ever more, !excuse me! my name is joseph lewis I live in the salvador I have 28 years age please I want that your write me if recived this message I want that this website also yours at write in spanish for many royal rangers that not spike spanish. thank yours for this oportunity and blessings for all. ![]()
From: robert
7/8/2002Your website has always been, and remains the most extensive Ranger site on the net. Thx for the work you do on it. ![]()
From: David Watson
7/8/2002Ranger. I like your site a lot. It has some great information Outpost 168 TN District Southside Assembly of God Dyersburg TN 38024 David Watson Senior Commander ![]()
From: Gerardo Galeas.
7/7/2002Dios les bendiga, mi nombre es Gerardo Galeas y soy pastor de la iglesia de adoracion Jehova Jireh asambleas de Dios en Honduras C.A. quisiera pedirles hnos. que porfavor pudieran mandarme ayuda para exploradores del Rey via email, ya que nosotros hemos comensado un nuevo destacamento en nuestra iglesia, y no tenemos material instructivo le agradecere infinitamente en el señor ya que seria de mucha bendicion para nosotros gracias. esperando su respuesta ![]()
From: Matt Sorenson
7/7/2002Hello. I was looking for the Royal Rangers web site when I stumbled onto yours. This is really a very cool site. You have done a spectacular job! Keep up the good work. I will recommend others to come visit you. ![]()
From: Matt Sorenson
7/7/2002Hello. I was looking for the Royal Rangers web site when I stumbled onto yours. This is really a very cool site. You have done a spectacular job! Keep up the good work. I will recommend others to come visit you. ![]()
From: JC
7/5/2002God Bless! I am from outpost 79 in the Spanish Eastern District. Thanks for all the useful information that is posted on your site. Keep up the good work. ![]()
From: ~~~~~
7/5/2002Hi, Just thought I would say God bless and let you know that I've enjoyed your site. I found many helpfull ideas to help add in starting our new outpost. Praying for the Rangers daily. ~~~~~ ![]()
7/3/2002hi my name is com david ruiz o/p 176 i would like to tell you that you did a great job on your web site its has been helpful to our o/p keep up the good work and remain in christ so you can minister to all the royal rangers around the world ![]()
From: Ed J
7/2/2002comander Ed outpost so. cal. 69 this is very cool. am telling my senior comander about it ![]()
From: Virgie Robertson
7/2/2002This is a wonderful website. I am a Buckaroo commander at the West End Assembly of God, Richmond, Virginia Post 56. ![]()
From: Willis Dean Major
7/1/2002My name is Willis Major,Outpost#86....And my e-mail is WillisLovesJesus@webtv.net....And ilike this website it is a grert tool for everone....And God Bless us all.... ![]() 7/1/2002
From: Jimmie Styer
6/30/2002Hello my name is Jimmie Styer and I like this web site very much. There is a lot of cool things you can look at.When I go to Royal Rangers this week I'm going to tell all my friends about this web site so they can come and look at all the AWSOME things you have created.KEEP UP THE AWSOME WORK FOR GOD. Jimmie Styer/Outoost 2/Sound Life Church. ![]()
From: Micah Good
6/29/2002Hi myname is Micah good I am the Sr. Comm. for outpost 29 of the Patomac district. I am looking for a song which I believe I heard on your site a year or so ago. I think it is called "we're going camping" It's sung to the tune of "This Is My Story". If you could help me locate it I would greatly appreciate it God Bless ![]()
From: Brandon Cohick
6/28/2002Hi!, my name is Brandon from North Centeral Section, outpost 8, Treverton PA. Your site rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to tell all of the other Royal Rangers in my outpost about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) Bye Brandon ![]()
From: Dick Shittereds
6/27/2002Hi I just started the out post 155. All the wounderful things on this web site really help me with all the kids that have already signed up. ![]()
From: Login Gerkin
6/25/2002Login Gerkin,235,NC Ohio,eeyore@in2jesus.com Hello to all. Well, the Royal Ranger web site is great! I didn't expect any less. Love, peace, and chicken grease! ![]()
From: Tony Gage
6/25/2002Hi. As I'm sure you're used to hearing, your site is great! I was wondering if you're still adding links? If so, how about a link to our section: Harbor Section Royal Rangers Southern California District www.harborsectionrangers.org/ Fred Drye, Section Commander Tony Gage, webmaster Thanks! ![]()
From: Adina Manry
6/23/2002I like the web site. I think you need stuff about missionary on it. But all the rest is great ![]()
From: Gregory Herrera
6/21/2002my name is gregory. my outpost number is 132. i don't have a lot of time as a ranger, but i like the ministry so far. my senior commander is Carlos Nunez. i like the home page animation with the ranger code. this is the first time mi've been to the site and i'm liking it. ![]()
From: Matthew Smith
6/21/2002I like this site a lot! I am trying to start a program from nothing. How can I get a list of events and materials. Thank you! ![]()
From: Andrew
6/20/2002well this my first time coming to this web site but really happy to go to the camp out on the 28-30 so I think that this web site is going to be the best and God Bless Everyone ![]()
From: jonatan cabrera
6/20/2002lo mejor que e visto en la wed de paginas de los exploradores del rey les escribo desde EL SALVADOR ![]()
From: D.
6/20/2002Hi! I really liked your website! It was great reading the "you might be a Royal Ranger ifs...". I am a Royal Rager for eight years now and the number of outposts has been growing a lot in just about all countries , but i think there aren`t enough Royal Rangers yet. Royal Ranger from Germany D. ![]()
From: klmclain
6/19/2002My name is Karen, Hi~ I have not yet "ventured" thru the entire site. Like it so far! Hope my son will be a Royal Ranger, one day, do you promote the Gospel? I hope so' ![]()
From: Marco Antonio Hernandez (Full time Youth Pastor
6/17/2002Hi! Can you help us? Our Royal Rangers Ministry in our local church is dying. How we can to do to rescue this ministry before is gone? The senior pastor started this ministry years ago, but right now we don't have real commanders on charge and we need a lot people to help to teach and to learn the skills of your trainning. Please, give an advice. Thanks. ![]()
From: Troy Palmer
6/17/2002I love this web site. It is the best Royal Ranger site out there. Sure miss the the music though. ![]()
From: ray 'torrito' del toro
6/17/2002I think it is a great website and I get great ideas from it. keep at it! ![]()
From: kathryn
6/16/2002hi my name is kathryn i used to go to rangers actually my dad ran the hornsby group when i was little. Anyway i am just saying hi ![]() 6/15/2002
From: donald gwartney
6/13/2002OUTPOST 243 BE IN RANGERS FOR 10 YEARS {1976-1986] one of my boys started the rangers back up in 1999. i am helping him som. don ![]()
From: Armando Hinostroza
6/13/2002Hi, This is an excellent webb site to consult, Please consider to include leaders development information (Programs), not only for leaders but also for advisors, other than that, this is the most completed webb site about royal rangers I've visited. God Bless you all. Armando Hinostroza El Alfarero Church Juarez, Mexico ![]()
From: Joel Dore'
6/12/2002Dear Royal Rangers: My name is Joel and i have gone through RR from Straight Arrows. I am not 17. I have alot to thank when it comes to RR. It helped me become a part of what I am. I thank God for RR's, and for the God inspiring men that make it happen. I grew up without a dad and so this filled a void.Thanks once again. Outpost # 107-"The best one out there" ![]() 6/12/2002
From: wilson
6/11/2002hi my name is wilson I am in the royal ranger in a church that church is secunda siloe and we did traning pless if someone could come and help us in our church. Adress is 712 north broway. ![]()
From: Byron Massey
6/10/2002Dear Ranger DJ, I am a Ranger who has enjoyed your site for the past year or two. I live in SC and have been in Rangers since I was 12 years old. I am a Gold Medal and Silver Buffalo recipient, as well as National Ranger of the Year (some years ago). I am now 26 years old and because of Royal Rangers, I have been totally transformed! I was brought out of a Methodist Church into the Rangers when I was 11. I remember that, because I attended JLTC at age 11, and the Senior Commander just happened to catch me on it half-way through the training. Although I was in-eligible by age, I was able to graduate as a Junior Commander! I was save and filled with the spirit because of Royal Rangers and love what it stands for and how it helps boys become men! Anyway, I just wanted to give you a brief background on me. I now own a Christian Web Resource Company (www.halosites.com), helping churches and ministries thrive on the web. I love what you do for Rangers, and can tell that you’re all heart for the boys and ministry! I pray that God will continue to bless you, your outpost and the Rangers! Thanks so much for keeping up your site and letting people know what Rangers is Really About! God Bless, Byron Massey byron@halosites.com 866-420-1702 ![]()
From: David De La Rosa
6/10/2002It is a wonderful website, i myself am a senior commander, and it is great to see this. ![]()
From: Sem Roman
6/9/2002Sem Roman Outpost 133 S.Pacific Latin American District I think this web-site is totally cool and I know that God is going to move in miraculous ways. God Bless This Ministry and the Staff ![]()
From: Sr.Commander Jones
6/9/2002I think that it is a very creative website that is very well thought out and had a lot of time put into its content. North Texas District/Outpost 434 ![]() 6/9/2002
From: Vivian
6/8/2002Hi I'm from RR-Germany. I think this site is great stuff. RR is doing a great work. We, here in Germany have now almost 300 outposts. Many more are coming. expecially in the south there are many outposts. I'm glad God put me into this ministry. I love it. Greetings BBB ![]()
From: Chris Nolan
6/7/2002Hello Im In A RR Outpost In Farmeville, Louisiana My Oupost Is 189 And I LOVE Your Site!!! ![]()
From: Robert E. Sherwood, MD, MS
6/6/2002Dear DJ, You have a great website. I knew you briefly at Northwest; I was the pioneer commander when you came. All of us who attended Northwest remember Jack with great fondness as he was an inspiration to all. God bless you, Dr. Robert E. Sherwood (Bob) ![]()
6/6/2002Hi my name is Francis Blackhawk.I used to be in the FCF in 1980's ed white was one of the main leaders in the Fl area.I'm trying to locate any FCF leader in the KY AREA. ![]()
6/5/2002Hi my is joshua sanchez i'm from outpost 277 littledogg05 I really like this web site ![]()
From: Chuck Fleming
6/5/2002Your website is great. I know it takes a lot of time to keep up with, but you do a very nice job and it is such a blessing to all commanders that are maxed for time to have such good information at our fingertips. Thanks for all your hard work. May God bless you. Sincerely, Chuck Fleming Hope Worship Center AG Tulsa, OK ![]()
From: Jakes
6/5/2002Great website. How do I find a european RR group to correspond with? We are in Finland. We are looking for a European oen group. ![]()
From: Pablo Ascencao
6/5/2002hello. I`m Pablo and i like to know about your equipment and the medals because i`m going to enter to a group of exploradores and i need it. Thanks you and god bless you. Pablo Ascencao ![]()
From: Parent
6/5/2002This is such a fabulous site! We are just starting in Royal Rangers and this site has been so helpful. I really would like the Straight Arrows parent packet, but when I tried to open it, I wasn't able to. Help? Thank you again, for such a wonderful site. ![]()
From: Joany Rosales
6/3/2002Hi my name is Joany Rosales and Im a commander for NC outpost 201 in Raleigh. This site has help me alot with the program as far as getting resources and helping me prepare the classes for the rangers. ![]()
From: Emilio Velazquez Rivera
5/30/2002Dios les bendiga grande mente y quisiera saber de paginas de ROYAL RANGERS en español. God bendition evry bary net you website in the spanish of the ROYAL RANGERS plase my name is Emilio Velazquez Rivera my country is Mexico my state and my city is Puebla your website is very good congratulations and thansk you ![]()
From: Sean Godfrey
5/29/2002Gidday from Australia. Great site. Letting you know that there are 9 Australians from Brisbane going to Kazakhstan on June 30 through to August 3 to run a leadership trainning camp and some camps for children. This is in the effort to establish Rangers in that country. We will be setting it up in Almaty. We are all madly fundraising to get there and are still short. we are committed to go even if it means fundraising when we get back. If any one can help please contact us at either royalrangers@taigum.com.au or sgodfrey45@hotmail.com. thanks again for a great site. Staying Ready Sean Godfrey Senior Commander Taigum Royal Rangers ![]()
From: Joseph Neisler
5/29/2002I like this page, I am Joseph. I am a Pioneer Comader at my church, and I was searching for new stuff and found your page. I like it alot. Good work. ![]()
From: Zachary Hoover
5/29/2002Hi, I am a Straight Arrow at Glad Tidings Church in Vancouver, Washington. I am working on my Golden Eagle Award for obedience. We were trying to find the song "The Happy Way Is To Obey". One of the requirements is to learn this song but we haven't been able to locate it. My commander suggested this website. It sure has a lot of information--we would appreciate your help with the song. Thanks! Zachary ![]()
From: Agnes Biermann
5/26/2002hi, i´m agnes, from the "stamm 215" in germany.. it´s really great this website.. be blessed ![]()
From: John-Andrew Reddoch
5/21/2002My name is John-Andrew, I love your website!! I willbe going to Royal Ranger Academy this year. ![]()
From: Ed Anderson
5/21/2002i belong to a small church in south east indiana and we have decided to start a royal ranger and missionetts program this web site is great its really been a blessing the information has really helped we have applied for charter but havent heard back you are doing a great job keep up the good work i need the help ![]()
From: Edgardo Pantoja Miranda
5/17/2002Name: Edgardo Pantoja Miranda Charge: Pioneers commander Outpost: Nº12, victorious bears District: North City: Barranquilla Country: Colombia I'm so glad to find this wonderful and complete web page. It's a great blessing for curious rangers, like me, who search for information in the internet. We have applied some of the computer files in our outpost, they are great. God bless you ![]()
From: Jerry and Carol McCann
5/15/2002Great Website.. We use it often. We have been using the Ranger Bucks for a year now and the boys love them. We give out 5 each week for uniforms, 1 for attendance and 1 for offering. Then as games tokens, good behavior etc. They love it when the Ranger Store opens and they get to go shopping! Such a great idea... thank you! Jerry and Carol McCann Outpost 27 Bluegrass District Versailles Kentucky ![]()
From: Dan Martinez
5/15/2002Hello, I love your web site its incredible, however I have a question. I took an NTC training in Fayetville North Carolina but no longer have my NTC patch how can I get a new one. I am starting a new outpost in Littleton Colorado our kick off date is June 4th 2002. My name is Dan Martinez Senior Commander outpost #136 Rocky Mountain District. Jubilee Fellowship Church ![]()
From: Shannon (rangers in australia)
5/13/2002hi, i think this website is pretty cool. excpet that i can never get the cta to work no matter what time of day or night i come on!! i would like to talk with boys around the same age as me (18) and write emails like penpals!! we can compare rangers , talk whatever!! ![]()
From: stacy mclamb
5/13/2002i have been involved in rangers for four years as a commander and this site is the easiest most useful way to get ideas and stay in touch with the world of rangers.i am starting a new outpost in west virginia and all ideas and comments would be appreciated. ![]()
From: larry
5/12/2002you do an awesome job. I would like to know why your page is always listed int he top 5 when I run a search on Royal Rangers, and how I can improve our site to get in the top ten listings. I run the Montana District site. any tips would be appreciated. ![]()
From: André Resina
5/12/2002hi! i'm from Portugal and i love this site. my name is Andrew i'm 18 and i'm in the ranger for 5 years.my family is also ranger and i love being a ranger.bye ![]()
From: Jim Haines
5/11/2002Hi DJ I have a question about how your church sponsers your outpost. How is it again? You talked about getting a certain amount per boy based on his attendance. We are curently trying to select a method for our church, any feed back for this would be appreciated. P.S. I realy like the website you are doing great things in Gods eyes, may he bless us all in our reach for these boys. Thank you....Commander Jim Haines ![]()
From: Rick England
5/8/2002Have enjoyed your website for several years now! We are looking for how to make a food dehydration unit as required for the Master Rating. Do you have any information? Thanks, Pastor Rick England Calvary Church, Anchorage, AK Outpost 24 ![]()
From: David Jenkins
5/8/2002Dear Ranger DJ, What a tremendous site. Your Knife and ax course graffics are great. Would you check pages #20, 21, 26, and 35. When I printed these, the colors were radically different than those on the monitor. Sincere thanks, David Jenkins ![]() 5/7/2002
From: Bob Marshall
5/7/2002A great resource. I was wondering if I could get your Knife and Ax course in Powerpoint. Can you email it to me? Our section (Tidewater North in the Potomac District) is having an advancement camp in 1-1/2 weeks. This would be great to have as a handout. Thanks and God Bless, Bob Marshall ![]()
From: Dayton H. Brice jr. (C.J.)
5/7/2002I like this site it allows you to look at several things like jokes, look at ranger links,etc. ![]()
From: fernando lopez
5/5/2002i really like this wedsite i loved it. i'm from outpost 55 fernandolopez462hotmail.com ![]()
From: Noah Ballard
5/1/2002hey i'm a trailblazer and i love RR! I 've been in it since i was a kid! this is a cool website! ![]()
From: David Jenkins
5/1/2002Dear Ranger DJ, Thanks for the great illustrations at the Knife and Ax course site. They will help me teach the course. Most of the pages printed well. Some scrambled the ink colors. I don't know if it's my printer, server or something else. ![]() 5/1/2002
From: Mikel Childress
4/29/2002I want to thank you for all of this information it is a big help. Thanks Comander Mikel Outpost 111 Poplar Bluff MO. ![]()
From: Vod Magaña
4/29/2002This is an awesome website. Thank you for all the good info I can share with other commanders and with the kids. Outpost 173, Vicotry AG, Universal city, TX. How can I get a copy of your Knife and ax slide presentation. I printed, however some of the slides where to dark to read. ![]()
From: Robert Herrera
4/28/2002First of all, your site is fantastic! I always recommend it to others. I was wondering if the Silver Lantern Award is awarded by recommendations or do you check the sites yourself? I ask because I believe my district's website is very good and was wondering if it would be considered for this award. The website URL is http://www.royalrangerssed.com. Thank you for your time. May God continue to bless you. Robert Herrera Elohim Christian Church Richmond Hill, NY Outpost 185/Spanish Eastern District ![]()
From: daniel .285
4/24/2002hi my name is daniel this webside is very good.im from germany.285 i didnt find some songs for camps when you dont have some in, put some in. why isnt a wold wide camp of rr therse a eouro camp it would be cool to seeyou guys .cool by ![]()
From: Mike Dart
4/23/2002This site is awesome... probably the best RR site I have been to yet.. lots of info... One Question though.. would you happen to have any suggestions for a good fundraiser for raising funds to purchase RR uniforms? Any info would be appreciated! Mike Dart/Pioneers Commander of Calvary Temple Church in Siloam Springs, Ark in the New Horizons Conference of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church Check out my personal website at http://www.geocities.com/proudfreak4life ![]()
From: John Rucker
4/22/2002Hi DJ. Was just thinking about your site and thought I would drop in and say hello. ![]()
From: Adam J Haggard
4/21/2002Hey you probably dont remember me well but I thaught I'd drop a line. I am Airman Adam J. Haggard of the USAF. I was always wiyh Fred Lipowicz. I participated in many Ranger events to include: RRAA, POW WOW, and thats just two things. I was the district FCF Scout for the Daniel Boone chapter in MO. Its been a while. Rangers has helped me excell in the Air Force as a Security Forces member.( Military Police ) I hope many others will have the same oppertunuties in Rangers as I did. God bless you in you ministry. Outpost #93 Raytown MO ![]() 4/20/2002 4/19/2002
From: Sabrina Shanthi Paul
From: Juan Genovez
4/17/2002Hello, My name is Juan Genovez and I am a Royal Ranger leader. I took my basic training on april 13 of 2002. I being seeing your web page for a while and I think is excellent. I used some of your devotions and I has help me to come up with ideas. I hope you keep this web site because its helpful for the new leaders. ![]() 4/17/2002
From: Anthony H
4/16/2002you made a pretty cool website, i really liked the first page. anthony,outpost 92, Living Springs AG ![]()
From: Javier Alcala
4/14/2002Hi: My name is Javier Alcala, Im from Puerto Rico. Im the senior commander of the 69 Outpost,P.R. I like very much this site, is terrific. !Good Bless you! ![]() 4/13/2002
From: David Sweany
4/13/2002Thank you so much for this site. I know that I have not taken the time prior to this to comment, but I normally visit this site as a first resort to ideas for our new outpost. ![]()
From: Rafael Ruiz
4/12/2002This website is great!!!!!!!! thank you so very much, God Bless you :-) Sr.Comander Ralph from outpost 265 N.Y ![]()
From: Lou Barber
4/11/2002Hello, I like your web site. It is full of interesting things like your joke page and animated jpegs. I'll come back for a visit. Lou Barber Harrisburg, PA Outpost 9 ![]()
From: James batten 131easternva.
4/10/2002this is great God has really used you thanks for letting him shine though your life. ![]()
From: Keith Smith
4/10/2002Hello, I would like to say that your website is a goldmine of resources! May God bless you and those like you who devote time for these young ones to reach, teach and keep kids for Christ!! ![]() 4/9/2002
From: Rev. Gil Pries
4/8/2002I like the web sight, was wondering what I need for voice chat ifyou guys have that? ![]()
From: Tom Ricks
4/8/2002I love your web site! I want to make a web page for our outpost, but do not know how. I sure wish I had more skill. This is awesome. ![]()
From: Jason Walters
4/8/2002I think it is great others should try looking at www.rangerdj.com it is fulled with fun!!! I'm proud to be a Royal Ranger. ![]()
From: Toni Rogers
4/7/2002hi,my name toni rogers .I`ve been attend royal rangers for three years.I`m from outpost 17.The website is realy cool.Hope to seeyou at camporama. ![]()
From: Senior Commander Holloway
4/7/2002Hello, My name is Mark Holloway and I am the Senior Commander of Outpost 6 in Niles, Michigan. Your website has been a great deal of help for ideas and tools. Thank You very much. ![]()
From: Nathanael Reagan
4/4/2002This web site is very interesting.I've been working on my tool craft badge. And i couldn't find anything on the questions and your web site is what i was looking for.The problem about their web sites is they don'thave any imformation about the questions,and yours does.This is the best one i've seen yet. But i just moved to Michigan from Florida and i really like it.Except the cold weather!!!! I really do think yours is the best one yet.We don't have an outpost yet. We're going to vote for one next week. ![]()
From: Manuela
4/4/2002I like this site very much. I'm a Ranger from Germany and it's interessting for me to see what's important for the American Rangers. ![]()
From: Manuela
4/3/2002I like this site very much. I'm a Ranger from Germany and it's interessting for me to see what's important for the American Rangers. ![]()
From: Martin M
4/2/2002love your website, a great deal of information, and tips. I have a question for you. what is a makeshift bedroll? I'm the sr cmndr @ outpost #4 been in the royal rangers for 3 1/2 years. email is @ work. ![]()
From: Commander Stuart Precious
4/2/2002The more I visit this site, the more I discover, and the more I get out of it. God bless you richly RangerDJ, your service to him is truly commendable. Cmdr Stuart Precious A.D.C. Outpost England 51 Nelson, Lancashire, United Kingdom ![]()
From: Donna Nissi
4/1/2002It is a wonderful job! It is very useful. Thanx for keeping it for everyone. May God richly bless you! ![]()
From: Blair Douglas
4/1/2002Great job! I have built a few websites and I appreciate the amount of work this took. It has a lot of information and looks super. Keep up the good work, this site is a benefit to many. Blair Douglas Senior Commander, Outpost #18 East Lansing, MI Blairdouglas@aol.com ![]()
From: Bobbi Hickman
3/31/2002Love this web-site. I am Pow Wow Chairman for Northwest Suburban Council located in IL. I was wondering if I could have permission to include your web-site on our Pow Wow Cd as a Pine-Wood Derby Resource? ![]()
From: chris
3/30/2002This website is awsome. I was just surfing and found it, I really like your steps to salvation page. I also think the graphics and colors are great and the layout is nice too. Thanks. ![]() 3/29/2002
From: Pastor Darryl Brown.
3/22/2002My name is Darryl Brown Pastor of new congregation in ga. I am interested in the Royal Rangers. ![]()
From: Dave Allen
3/21/2002The RRbrochure.doc in the computerfile folder would not open after downloading nor opening on the site. Otherwise I have enjoyed greatly the links and content for about 8 years now. ![]()
From: Benjamin Clanton
3/21/2002I love Royal Rangers some much that I what to be a Commander when I grow up. And I be the best commander ever I'll try to be the best ever but with a little help from the Bible and leadership of Royal Rangers I know I can be one. My name is Ben Clanton my outpost is 212 at woodland and I am the Pastor's kid ![]()
From: Reina Ruiz
3/20/2002Hello I am venezuelan and I am royal rangers,I want to know others rangers and know about you.GOD BLESS YOU!BYE ![]() 3/20/2002
From: Kevin Reid OP 25 Potomac District
3/20/2002I really appreciate this website. I want to get into the chat but I have blocked chats from my computer. I have a question, though. I am trying to come up with some examples of patrol songs and cheers. Any guidance on that would be appreciated. Thank you ![]()
From: Richard Keller
3/18/2002Nice website you have! Before and after the 2002 Camporama in Missouri, a number of Rangers are coming to see the Great Passion Play in Eureka Springs,Arkansas. We have special low-cost Play-Lodging-and meal Packages for them at Keller's Country Dorm Resort & RV Camp, and wonder if you could provide a link to our website at www.kellersresort.com (and list our phone at 1-800-859-8952) where they could get full details on this excellent add-on to their trip experience. Thanks! ![]() 3/17/2002
From: Steve Stucks - Oklahoma Dist.- Outpost 57
3/17/2002This is great! But the reason I came on your web was to get info on the new award requirements. Sorry I found none. Can you help me. P.S. the music while you write is great! ![]() 3/16/2002
From: Manuel S. Goznalez
3/15/2002Hi I'm the Senior Commander from the new outpost at Iglesia Cristiana Bethesda, Bklyn, NY. Just looking around and learning. ![]()
From: Peggy Miles
3/15/2002I get so much information and help from this website, I don't know what I would do without it, thank you for sharing it with us. ![]()
From: Robert G. Roberts
3/15/2002Best site I have ever seen.Would love to talk to you about Rangers. Conference Commander. Harvest Conference. IPHC ![]()
From: Joseph Price
3/14/2002I thoroughly enjoyed my brief visit to this sight and look forward to returning for further use very soon. The devotion sight is awesome!!!! ![]()
From: John Wayte
3/14/2002Hi John Wayte From the UK New to the Webb and only just finding my way around Looks good so far ![]()
From: Dolores Rigsby
3/13/2002I think it great. I have a grandson who is a Royal Ranger, and his father was one and now his father is a minister and I believe Christopher will work in God work to. ![]()
From: Joshuah Croghan
3/12/2002Hello! I think that Royal Ranger DJ is great! I can find all the info that I need here! Keep the website here. ![]()
From: Jim Key
3/11/2002Jim Key, 106/Southern California,jim_key69@hotmail.com, This site is tremendous, best I've ever seen. Please keep up the good work of the Lord. God Bless you and this site. ![]()
From: Louis Bryan
3/10/2002I love your Site. I wanted to add our District Page but could not please add The Rocky Mountain District Royal Ranger Official Web Site www.rmdrr.org thanks Lou ![]() 3/8/2002
From: Richard Adams
3/7/2002THis Website has been an inspiration ! I am 32 years old and was asked to pray about taking a position as a sr unit commander. The current program lacked discipline and planning. This site has given a wealth of knowledge We have just chartered so no outpost number yet it is however the western district ![]()
From: Tim Deese
3/6/2002My name is Tim Deese. I am PR director for Lake Wylie Christian Assembly Outpost 77 South Carolina District. Really like your website. I plan to begin one for our outpost. I'm just a novelist so will most likely order your cd with all the upfront work you've done. Can't tell you how much its going to help me. We also plan to order some ranger bucks. I have a few I'd appreciate you answering. Firstly, do we have to order two different batches if we would like to have two different layouts? Second, do the bucks come with front and back? Thirdly, Is the bucks download duplex printing? I'm waiting for our senior commander to email me the outpost symbol and our chaplain's picture which we plan to use on the first batch of bucks. Any suggestions or recommendations are welcome. Thanks a lot for your time. ![]()
From: Harvey Gunderson
3/5/2002Hi, My name is Harvey Gunderson. I am the senior commander in Bellingham WA. I am looking for sofware that i can use on power point to use with my pinewood derby to show race and lane selection. Would you have any suggestions?? I enjoy your website. It is a great tool!! ![]()
From: Dennis Dufresne
3/5/2002HI My name is Dennis Dufresne and I am the pioneers Cmdr @ New Hope assembly of GOD outpost # 84 in Taylor MI. I think this is a great websight I really appreciate the work youve put into it. ![]()
From: mike
3/4/2002i like the resources you have made available...however i still cannot find one thing on both your site and any other i have looked at. I am trying to find directions on how to build a watchtower about 15' high out of sticks and rope. Any ideas where i could find it? thanks. Outpost 227, NY ![]()
From: John Laws
2/28/2002Hey guys, This is John...im from outpost #1 in Concord, NC USA. We have alot of fun in Royal Rangers...I didnt know there were that many outposts in the world! and to know that we are #1.....lol.....well...I have to go now...if you want to talk to me.....my Email address is DiskRaider2001@aol.com ![]()
From: Israel
2/28/2002This website had help me alot to get or should I say work on my merits!!! Its a great site for us rager I would recomended to any ranger!!! I'm from the spanish eastern distric outpost 14 from the bronx, N.Y ![]()
From: Jim D. Erwin
2/28/2002Hello, I really do love your sight. I have learned a lot about how to start our new outpost from here. God Bless ![]()
From: Ken Tyson
2/27/2002thank's for a great helping tool...... I really enjoy and appriciate all the information you've provided. I'm in the L.T.C. class and have also enjoyed the classes you've taught. Ken ![]()
From: Jim Michalek
2/27/2002This is great, thanks for taking the time to help us help the boys! Jim Michalek, Outpost Councilman, Outpost 9, Central Latin ![]() 2/26/2002 2/26/2002
From: LaVon Collis
2/26/2002Praise God, Ranger DJ, your site is great. I appreciate your faithfulness in ministering and mentoring in the lives of boys all over the world. You certainly encourage todays RR leaders. God bless you, brother. My name is LaVon Collis. I wanted to introduce you to our hand-polished, solid brass 18th century reproduction, 1750 Sundial Compass for FCF boys. Please visit our website www.sundialcompass.com We can engrave FCF logo, a graphic, or personalized text on the compass lid a reasonable cost. We have designed and manufactured the 1750 Sundial Compass from the original found at the Rogers Rangers camp at Fort Edwards, NY....and have been making them since 1978. F&I, Rev War and others use them in their encroutements. You are welcome to use a link to my site to make available to others in FCF. Would you mind if I included your site? We have two locations that we work from FL & upstate NY. We look forward to hearing from you. Abundant blessing be yours today as Jesus is magnified in you and your family and the lives that you touch. ![]()
From: French, Eduardo
2/26/2002My name is French, Eduardo and the number of outpost is #7, Panama District. The website is excellent, contains more views and information. Congratulations. ![]()
From: Madelline Davila
2/25/2002I think your website is great. I love music so it's very inspiring to browse and listen to worship music at the same time. Keep up the great work! God Bless!! ![]() 2/25/2002 2/23/2002
From: Mike Graham
2/23/2002Greetings: Would you please add our new official Penn-Del DISTRICT web site to your links? It is: www.pdrangers.org Please share it with as many others as possible. Thank you & God bless! ![]()
From: Sylvia Matthews
2/23/2002I really like this site. How can I find out about tried and tested fund raisers for the rangers? ![]() 2/22/2002 2/22/2002 2/21/2002
From: Mitchell Roth
2/21/2002Good Afternoon: My name is Mitchell Roth and I am the senior commander for River Of Life Royal Rangers In Cold Spring, Mn. I've built a small web site for my boys and I have placed a link from my web site to yours, to make it Easier for my boys to explor your site. My web site is ---www.riveroflifeag.org/~rr --- if this is not exceptable please drop me an E-mail at ROLRoyalRangers@aol.com And I'll remove the link. Thank You Senior Commander ROL Royal Rangers Mitchell Roth ![]()
From: Anthony Brandi
2/21/2002I enjoy your web site. It is very informing, and my daughter loves listening to the music when I go in. Anthony Brandi Commander Outpost #164 Akron, NY ![]()
From: Peter M.
2/19/2002Hi, your Page is very good!! Iam also a ROYAL RANGER, but from Germany and our national Page is not so good. Can you send me more informations about Royal Rangers in the USA or/and in other countries by Pete PS.: cool sound ... how can i get this sound? ![]()
From: Bob Kinross
2/19/2002I like it a lot and was in your original list that I think you lost. Thank you for your continued effort to forward the ministry. Outpost #35 Northwest District ![]()
From: Carlos Pinto
2/18/2002God bless you my brother this page is wonderfull,goin! i am; Carlos Pinto from Puerto Rico i am frontierman, and senior comander,God bless ! ![]()
From: Josh Downey
2/18/2002Greetings in the name of Jesus! I extremely approve of this website. I am competing for Ranger of the Year Potomac District Competition and I needed to find some information on knifes and axes that I could not find in The Adventures in Camping Book. Maybe, possibly you could extend the hours of the chatroom because some boys have to go to bed early. Also maybe you could open it on the weekends. Also, could you add more info for the Royal Rangers who are trying to earn advancements or boys like me who are competing who need other reference besides the Adventures in Camping book. Your friend in Christ, from Potomac District, 2001 Super Bowl Champs, ( Baltimore, Maryland) Eastern Section, Outpost 47, Pioneer, Senior Guide, Josh Downey ![]() 2/16/2002
From: Kenneth W Erler JR
2/16/2002Hi Ranger DJ, How can I download the new knife and axe course. Your web site is very informative and is easy to get around. ![]() 2/14/2002
From: Richard Elson
2/14/2002I like it how can I get a copy of the new Knife & ax course for our outpost in Great Bend, Ks. Please let me know Thank You. Senior Commander Richard Elson at First Assembly of God in Great Bend, Ks ![]()
From: Sr. comdr. Luis Garcia,
2/13/2002God bless you brother; I think your website is very informative, a blessing to all rangers, leaders, who visit it keep going brothers. Sr. Cmdr. Luis Garcia Oupost #14 NPLAD East Bay Section (S.F.) ![]()
From: Chris Taylor
2/13/2002Love the intro it's great' Your web site is an absolute treasure trove for me and my commanders Thanks for all you do With you in His service Chris"Red Paw" Taylor ![]()
From: Pablo Dones
2/13/2002Hello, My name is commander Pablo Dones from Tampa,Fl. I think this website is great. Happy to see you are using the web as an additional tool to spread the word. God bless. ![]()
From: Jason Charles
2/13/2002Randger DJ, I think this site has been a valuable resource for Ranger Leaders and Royal Rangers as a whole. I am amazed how much imformation you make available to everyone. Your time and effort does not go unoticed, especially by God! Keep up the good work! ![]()
From: Robert De Leon
2/11/2002I love this website. Do you think maybe you could give us some more links to Camp Food? Thanks! ![]()
From: William S Collins
2/11/2002You have a great website. I was raised in probably one of the best places to be a Royal Ranger at Oak Assemblies of God in Dallas TX. They had a great outpost with 5 buildings set up in military fashion aroun a large concrete pad which was used for formations and play, place even had chain link and barbed wire perimeter fence. It was great. I am just now starting to help our small outpost to grow and would like to make a website for our boys and would like to copy from you and use on our websight your Royal Ranger emblam. I am in Anchorage, Ak and attend First Assembly of God at 15th and C st. ![]() 2/11/2002
From: Robbie Simmons
2/11/2002Yours is about the most helpful Royal Rangers website I've found. Do you know where I can find step by step planning for each lesson in the pioneer handbook? I may be the leader, but I'm kind of green when it comes to camping activities. ![]()
From: Ute Baur
2/10/2002Hi i am ute and I am a royal ranger in Germany.Now i spend the next half year here in Mountain View near San Francisco. My englisch is very bad,but I can say that your site is realy cool.I like it very much.I did not know,that there are so cool sites about rangers.Very good. Ok,bye Ute ![]() 2/10/2002
From: Commander Bill Martin
2/10/2002Bill Martin, outpost 32 Galena KS, wants to let you know what an awesome site you have here, as well as what a blessing I recieve from here every time I log on. I get a devotion from here every week, and I just want to tell you to keep up the good work!!! God Bless You and your ministry, Let's reach, teach and keep those boys for God!! ![]()
From: Mike Geissler
2/8/2002just got back from a christion ed. confrence where i got your web sight. this is the best ranger sight ive found. i could spend all day on this getting ideas thank you very much. GOD bless you and this sight. Mike Geissler outpost 62 Faith City A/G Michigan City IN hoosiers@netnitco.net ![]()
From: Luis Raùl
2/8/2002Hi!!! I`m from Mèxico...and I want more info about this program, but I want to know if you can give me it in spanish...Thank`s for all. his brother in Cris . Luis Raul God Bless Royal Ranger!!!! ![]()
From: Paul Gionet
2/7/2002can you direct me to any royal ranger materials in Russian? I am a russian missionary living in Anchorage, Alaska. ![]()
From: Earl Poole
2/7/2002I really enjoyed your site and I just downloaded a screen saver for my computer. Outpost #15 PD district, South Carolina ![]()
From: Benjamin Suarez
2/6/2002Hi Ranger DJ I love your website, it is awsome and very informational. Ranger DJ do you have the informational packet for running a JLTC? Thanks God Bless Ben ![]()
From: william Leister
2/5/2002I'm to see such a very good site that my own boys can look at and not worry what comes up. Thanks alot William Leister Outpost 150 Meeker ok ![]()
From: Juan Alejandro Ruiz Sánhez
2/5/2002Muy bueno. Felicidades desde Durango, Dgo. México alexruiz@logicnet.com.mx y tiburon_ruiz@hotmail.com Les amamos mucho. Greetings from Durango Mexico. We love you alot! ![]()
From: Adolfo
2/4/2002Hi there! This is a pretty cool website. I'been looking for a website like yours for years. I pray to God that you remain here. Thank you an God bless! ![]()
From: commander Rowland
2/2/2002hey RANGERDJ once again I love your web site.your wed site has help me alot since I have started to teach my own class thanks for everything. ![]()
From: Rolando Padilla
2/2/2002Hi its me Rolando from outpost 10 and I really like the web site. I'm from Haverstraw N.Y ![]()
From: Juan Alejandro Ruiz Sánhez
2/2/2002Me da mucho gusto encontrarme con páginas de este tipo y además de excelente calidad. Quisiera que en México hubiera algo parecido para poder tener acceso a ateriales en español. Felicidades!!! It gives me great pleasure to find a web site with this caliber and excellent quality. I wish in Mexico we had somethign similiar in order to gain access to materials in spanish. ![]()
From: Brian W. Alvarez
2/1/2002this website is great but I just wanted to know if you are able to add more iformation like information from the Adventures in Camping handbook or a search engine so we may find iformatoin like how to maintain a clean camp site or other any other information that whould be usefull for a growing Royal Ranger. P.S. God bless and thank you ![]()
From: Stephen Priest
1/30/2002I love it! I'm Senior Guide in Outpost 251, and I get all the stuff I need here thanks Rangerdj. ![]()
From: John M Green
1/29/2002Love the website. I would like to give you a new game to try out. It is called knee baseball. Rules are same as regular baseball except when a batted ball hits a runner he is not out. Boys must be on knees at all times. Bases are about 6 to 8 feet apart. We tape a piece of printer paper on the wall that says (Home Run Here) You must hit paper to get a homerun. Boys may also throw the ball at runners to get them out. WE USE A POOL BALL AS THE BASEBALL THROWN UNDERHAND, AND THEIR HAND IS THE BAT. God showed us that boys sometimes like to argue about out or safe, to solve it he said give the boys in the outfield odds and boys batting even. Let them throw fingers of 1 hand out when someone yells go, if total count of fingers of both boys is even then the runner is safe, if total number is odd runner is out. HOPE YOU UNDERSTAND THAT. IF NOT JUST E-MAIL ME. MAY GOD RICHLY BLESS YOU FOR YOUR TIME SPENT KEEPING THIS SITE, UP TO DATE AND FUN. ![]()
From: Mario Woltschinsky
1/29/2002Hi, I`m from Germany from the Royal Rangers. Sorry, I don´t speak English well! ![]()
From: Philip Thibodeau
1/29/2002Dear Ranger DJ, Your website is so cool. It's the only one I ever go to any more. I am a Pioneer up in Nashua, NH in outpost 3 and I love ROYAL RANGERS.I just lloovvee the projects and events.The Pow wow 2001 was realy fun. Philip Thibodeau of outpost 3 in Nashua, NH ![]()
From: Tabea Mutter
1/27/2002Hi.. Echt toll mal gescheite Pfadfinder im Internet zu treffen wunderbar.Ich gehöre dem Stamm 51 in Bad Säckingen (Germany) an und es macht mir großen Spaß.Bye Tabea ![]()
From: lt. commander simon z
1/25/2002hi my name is simon from outpost 270 i am in charge of the trail rangers 2 of my boys are camp masters in trail rangers i would like to give one the rank of jr commander what are the requirements for it and how can i give one of them the jr leaders service medal for being a super outstanding sr guide ![]()
From: Rebecca Legg
1/24/2002Thank you for a great source of Ranger items!! Greatly appreciate your ministry in helping US to have a better ministry to boys! Outpost 222, Georgia ![]()
From: Sarah Lee
1/23/2002this website is cool and it helps those who don't know Jesus to know Him better. Keep up the good work and God bless!! ![]()
From: edy ramos peredo
1/23/2002bendiciones ermanos les deseo queria que me embien informacion sobre los nuebos programas de los exploradores del rey o rpyal rangers para enseñarles a miscompañeros y aprender mas solo eso les pido su amugo y explorador edy ramos de bolivia ( yo si logre ganar 58 premios avansados de los exploradores del rey) bendiciones y hasta luego Blessings brothers we are from Royal Rangers in Bolivia. I hope that you all can send us information about the new program so that we can learn about it. ![]()
From: gene caughman
1/22/2002this website has help me so many times and i appreciate all your hard work and dedication... keep up the good work. i'm with bayway dr. a/g in baytown texas. god bless. ![]()
From: simon z.
1/22/2002hi rangerdj my name is simon i am a jr commander at outpost 270 here in florida ur web is ROCKIN!!! i and fellow rangers would appreciate it if you put the requirements for the medals tha rangers can earn i.e jr leaders service,challengers medal of exelence ![]()
From: Jon and Cindy Bohannan
1/21/2002Hi. My husband And I are Commanders at Outpost #269 S. California District. Cindy with Straight Arrows and Jon is with Pioneers. This is an awesome ministry to be involved in and we both find it rewarding. We love the site.. It has been very helpful to us in more ways than one. God Bless ![]()
From: Lance
1/21/2002Great Website! You have a lot of wonderful information. I was wondering if you have your tool/knife craft presentation in powerpoint format as a file? Thanks for all the hard work you put into this. ![]()
From: Com. Rivera
1/20/2002This sites Rocks!!! You know in the section where you can see the overseas outpost *Im from PR* you should add whos the Pastor and Comander lines into that because besides the Name of Church and Outpost Number, the shlould be a place for the Pastor name and the Comander in charge. Well Thanx and keep it up!!!! God Bless You!!! ![]()
From: Carlos Piñeroo
1/19/2002This is one of the best RR sites I have seen. I really enjoyed it. I downloaded some Pinewood Derby cars for my letter to the parents..... Keep up the awesome work!! Outpost 261 (League City, Texas) ![]()
From: Terry
1/19/2002RangerDJ, One of the things I lke about this site is to read all the positive comments about it from around the world. It is a great Resource/Tool for Rangers.thaks for your dedication. ![]()
From: David Letchworth, Sr. Com.
1/18/2002I really enjoy your website! The layout is great, the information you provide is on target. Thanks for letting the WWW.com know the true joy of our Savior & our way to reach boys. in Christ. Outpost 85 Mt. Olive, N.C. ![]()
From: norma arroyo
1/17/2002I enjoyed your web page, only im looking for specific information on the straightarrows program.I am the straightarrow commander and need help on finding advancement merits for their age group..can you help me with this. thanks ![]()
From: Aaron Kozak
1/16/2002This past year i got into fcf and that had been a major goal of mine. I would also like to say that the website is awesome ![]() 1/16/2002
From: Marcus Wellnitz
1/16/2002Hello RangerDJ, I'm Marcus Wellnitz from Germany (outpost 222) I have just started a Ranger-Website: http://royalrangers.freezope.org . It's possible for any outpost all over the world to get a FREE website in this context. Would you be so kind to put a link on Your Page? Q: Can I also put a link to your Page on the Startpage? You have a wonderful Website. regards Marcus Wellnitz PS: sorry about my bad english ![]()
From: Marcus Wellnitz
1/15/2002Hello RangerDJ, I'm Marcus Wellnitz from Germany I have just started a Ranger-Website: http://royalrangers.freezope.org . It's possible for any outpost all over the world to get a FREE website in this context. Would you be so kind to put a link on Your Page? Q: Can I also put a link to your Page on the Startpage? You have a wonderful Website. regards Marcus Wellnitz PS: sorry about my bad english ![]()
From: Sal Herrera
1/15/2002Hi my name is Sal Herrera I am the Senior Commander for OutPost 90 I was wondering if you have materials that will work with word 2001 ? P.S. You have the best site i have ever seen for the Rangers keep up the good work. May God richley Bless You and Your Family and Ministries. ![]() 1/15/2002
From: Charles Kronenthal
1/15/2002Wonderful site, keep up the great work. I am trying to organize an outpost in Blakely, Georgia. We are a very small church, and I am trying to encourage boys from our town to come out and see what we have to offer.( while I learn what to offer.. "grin") I ask your prayers.. ![]() 1/14/2002
From: Raymond Johnson
1/12/2002Hell'o my name is Raymond Johnson I would like to tell you how much I have really enjoyed your web site I have used several of the devotions on several occations I'm the outpost Commander at East Ridge Church of God in East Ridge TENNESSEE at this time we are not chartered but are looking at being chartered sometime this year we have a really good group of boys the # varies We have anywhere from 12-22 boys in the winter 8-15 in the summer I really hate the drop in the summer seems like were competeing against baseball,football and soccer just wondering if you ever had a problem like this? Or a sollution? The devotions are great and keep up the good work Thanks Raymond Johnson ![]()
From: derrick gregory
1/11/2002I am new to Royal Rangers. I just completed the LTC and am very excited. I was told by one of the instructors about this website and I must say it exceeds any idea I thought it would be. Great job! My God be with you and your outpost. Continue to follow God's will because it LOOKS AWESOME!! Georgia 342 ![]()
From: Israel Roca Vasquez.
1/11/2002SAludos soy el comandante de Guatemala de los exploradores esperamos vernos pronto en su campamento nacional. Hello, I am the National Commander of Guatemala. We hope to see you soon at the National Camporama. ![]()
From: Hofmann Rudi
1/10/2002Hi good to see your homepage . Iam leaader of a group of Royal Rangers in Germany Mainz 203. God bless you ![]()
From: Jeremy Wayne Kilby
1/10/2002Hey my name is Jeremy. Im a Royal Ranger. My outpost is 254. This website is neat. Im going to have a fun time in Rangers. Im sick to day so im staying home from school. By GOD BLESS AMERICA AND GOD BLESS YOU. ![]()
From: Dennis Sheaffer
1/10/2002Hi I'm starting an outpost in Onset Mass. The lord has provided three first time leaders for me and about twenty boys who have been showing up regularly for the first two months of our outpost. I've come online in the hopes of getting some chartering info as well as training info for our leaders. Our Section is not providing LTC this year, until the changeover occurs next year sometime. Also do you know of any Royal Ranger clip art available? I wanted to make up a flyer for a daytrip activity. I,m going to check out website for my first time. God Bless Dennis Sheaffer Emmanuel A/G Onset Ma ![]() 1/9/2002
From: Greg Hayes
1/8/2002Thank you for this site. I have a Pioneer group in Rogers AR. I just found you on the net but love it. May God bless your efforts. ![]()
From: Henry Ruiz III
1/8/2002Hi DJ Henry Ruiz Outpost 177 Mt Baker Sectional Commander Northwest District DJ Love your site may God Bless you and your work. Use your site for more info than my leaders Manual, Thanks. ![]()
From: Mike
1/6/2002Ranger DJ, Guess What? I was Ranger of the Year for 2001. I am in Trailblazers have 2 merit badges, and the Powderhorn and the Bowie Knife and I am Assiantant Patrol Guide for the Dragons. ![]()
From: Robert T. Wilson
1/3/2002You need to add "girls" to the last sentence of the Ranger missions statement. Glad to see that "girls" are included. Website is great and look forward to each visit. Thanks and keep up the good work. When are you up dating the materials to include the new programs "Ranger Kids" etc? IHS, Bob Wilson, Cmdr Outpost #12 SA's ![]() 1/3/2002
From: Mike Brady
1/3/2002Hi, I am Mike Brady Senior Commander of Outpost #113. I really enjoy this website. It has a lot of things that I study from to teach my Royal Rangers and a lot of imformation for them as well. Thanks for making this useful website. May God bless you always. ![]()
From: alexander sanchez
1/2/2002hola soy el comandante nacional en el salvador saludos y feliz año Hi I am the National Commander in El Salvador. Greetings and have a great New Year! ![]()
From: christin und lena
1/1/2002hallo!we are german people!(christin&lena)we are from wiesbaden stamm 34, and we can`t so good english, because we have got holidays now!but your homepage is very nice and good, we have a homepage, too. www.fcg-wiesbaden.de, god bless you christin and lena ![]() 12/31/2001
From: Alex Teoh
12/29/2001Hi DJ, It was fantastic to encounter the flash introduction and the music when first reaching your site. Thanks God for creative web for Rangers. Alex Teoh 2nd Penang Outpost, Malaysia ![]()
From: Johnny Ray Phillips
12/28/2001Hello Ranger DJ my name is Johnny Ray Phillips I live in Kenly North Carolina, and I attend the Kenly Church Of God. I am ready to start a Royal Ranger program in our church can you help me get started, I have had no luck contacting anyone. We are an eager bunch of christians who want to reach a whole lot of youth, so please send me the stuff to get started right away. My Phone #(919)284-1183 My e-mail fourofus@bbnp.com My address is 3746nc222east Kenly N.C. 27542 ![]()
From: Glen Nichols
12/28/2001It's been a while sence ive vizited your sight.Just want to say KEP UP THE GOOD WORK ! ![]()
From: Ebony Flitton
12/21/2001Hi My name is Ebony Flitton, Im Colins daughter from Bendigo 29! and i think this site is SOOPA ![]()
From: Charlie Idyk, Pioneer Cmdr.
12/21/2001HI, Thanks for this site. I just learned about it recently and have navigated through most of it. Works fine. Hopefully I'll be adding our site to your links soon. Thanks again. We are Post 301 SOCAL, Hemet, CA ![]()
From: David Parker
12/19/2001Heres a game the boys love. Cotten Ball War. Give each boy a plastic spoon and 5 cotten balls. The spoon it used to fire the cotten balls like a catapolte. Amunition is aquired from pick up the fired cotten balls. We never declare a winner but just keep shooting each other over and over. ![]()
From: Phil Calla
12/18/2001Heya RangerDJ, If you have not heard I have pcs'ed to Peterson AFB, CO a year ago and I was wondering how you were doing. I am doing well and enjoying Colorado Springs. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a joyous New year. God bless you my friend. I have two email adresses. Work is phil.calla@peterson.af.mil Home is philcalla@codenet.net P.S. Your website still looks GREAT!! ![]()
From: Melroy Slider
12/18/2001Ranger DJ one of the Commanders bought your CD last year (2000) and I can't tell you how benifical it has been or how helpful it has been in making us look good. We are still pulling information from it. Your site also has inspired us to produce our own site at Manolia Springs Thanks for your dedication to God and Royal Rangers. Thanks from the Commanders at Magolia Springs A/G Hurley Ms. ![]()
From: Armando Hinostroza
12/17/2001Hi, I loved this page, I'm the leader of the council of royal rangers in my church, Juarez Mexico #o14. I was looking for some awards or anything to grow up in the royal rangers org. but I didnot find anything.. Thanks anyway see ya later. ![]()
From: danilo sandoval
12/16/2001Hi i am danilo from out post 176. i realy think this is great web site wich is blessed . i hope you have a nice holiday . hope you heard our song " caminando sobre tumba". ![]()
From: Darren Stll, Australia, Victoria no.22
12/15/2001My name is Darren and I'm a ranger leader in Austalia. This sitehas been a great help for ideas with games ad devotions. Thankyou ![]()
From: Bill Mapes Dep. Sec. Cmdr., Chattanooga
12/14/2001I really like your website and I think it's a great media for the Ranger Program. I also like the date that the tax info was updated,(March 4, 4000) I thought that was neat. ![]()
From: Oswaldo Escobar
12/9/2001Hello! My name is Oswaldo Escobar from Guatemala, Guatemala, Central America. I like this website. I'm commander in my church Assembly of God. This informatión is powerfull. Thanks My e-mail is exploradordelrey@hotmail.com. Exploradores del Rey traslate to english is Royal Ranger. ![]()
From: Gale Livelsberger
12/7/2001Hi, I have used you site over the years. Very helpful Thanks, Gale Outpost 221 District 9 ![]()
From: Guillermo Ordoñez
12/6/2001hola, mi nombre es Guillermo, y soy parte de explotadores del rey de Honduras, creo que el website es muy bueno talves algun wallpapers, talves pudieran comunicarce con migo a traves del E-mail. para alguna sugerencia o mensaje que Dios lo bendiga. Hi my name is Guillermo, I am a Royal Ranger in Honduras. I believe that this web site is great. I would like to see some Ranger Wallpaper and a place for us to communicate with a message board. ![]()
From: Derek M. Engel
12/5/2001Hi! My name is Derek Engel. I am 19 years old, and I live in Warner Robins, GA. I was a member of outpost 88, Winchendon, MA from age 7-15. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I'd like to know if there is any way that I could help out with the program in my area. Thanks for your time. GREAT SITE ![]()
From: Troy Rebold, Commander
12/5/2001Ranger DJ what a site I have been feeding off it for weeks Thank You Emergency: I don't know what to do with my boys through the Holidays. We are planning a nature hike between Christmas and New years. Do you have any tips. ![]()
From: Brian Zeller
12/5/2001I have been using information from your website for the past 3 years. Your website has been a great blessing to me. May God bless you always. ![]() 12/5/2001
From: Mary E Harris ntd #561
12/5/2001This web site is interesting and catches the attention. I also love the music. ![]()
From: Dale S. Cannon Jr.
12/2/2001Hi Ranger DJ My name is Dale Cannon and I am a Royal Ranger commander in Brazil. I am also a Church of God missionary working at an orphanage with 63 street kids. I am very interested in your website and was wondering if you could assist me in the area of setting up a RR website, linking it with our already existent site:www.rjhomeforchildren.org. I've been involved in RR's since 1981 and would love to see the program evangelize the young men of Brazil. Also if you have access to any RR material in portuguese let me know. I am also very interested in making Brazil its own district. Thank you for any information you can provide. Yours in Christ Dale Cannon (Okefenokee Bullfrog) ![]()
From: Mary Harris
12/2/2001Hi, This is a great place .. My name is Mary Harris I am a commander for 561 and Love it! ![]() 11/29/2001
11/28/2001HELLO, We come to your site all the time for craft and devotion ideas. CLIP ART - LOVE IT! ![]()
From: Brett D. Pfingston
11/27/2001I really appreciate all the work you have put in to your site it is very informative and extremely useful thanks for all your hard work and God Bless Brett D. Pfingston Outpost 57 Penn. Florida ![]()
From: Remi Olsen
11/27/2001Hello I am Team Ranger from Haugesund in Norway.Good home page I am very impressed.I have been in RR 4 years. My name is Remi Olsen Try to say this words:GUD VELSIGNE DERE In english: GOD BLESS YOU ![]()
From: Josiah Moore
11/24/2001Hi. After searching all of the internet for several yaers this is one of the best sites i have seen. I recently earned my GMA and and my friend Josh Martin did also on November 18 of this year. This site and several others have helped me greatly on my path. Keep up the good work for our Lord in Jesus name. ![]()
From: C. Luis Carlos Lopez
11/23/2001Dios los bendiga. se les saluda desde panama. con un abrazo rompe costillas. God bless you and saluations from all of us in Panama with a big hug. ![]()
From: Abner Rodriguez
11/22/2001DTB. HOLA.. Royal Rangers EL VALOR DE SER EXPLORADOR Ingresar en las filas del Rey, no significa solamente ponerse un uniforme que tiene un pañuelo alrededor del cuello, que salen para irse de excurcion cargando un monton de cosas en la espalda. por eso se quedan en lo externo, en los parchos, en los accesorios y no dejan que el amor y el espiritu de la aventura penetre en sus corazones. por eso no llegan a comprender lo que verdaderamente significa ser explorador " Son Exploradores solo cuando visten de uniforme ". para salir adelante, para triunfar es necesario poner toda la voluntad, toda la capacidad, todo el corazon en lo que se hace poreso podriamos decir: " El que es Explorador una vez, es para siempre Explorador ". El uniforme se puede dejar, cuando en el curso de nuestras vidas pasamos a otras responsabilidades, pero los principíos del Explorador; nuestra promesa para con Dios, con la patria y nuestro prójimo permaneceran para siempre en nuestroscorazones. No somos Exploradores porque portamos un uniforme, usamos un uniforme por que somos Exploradores. El nos identifica y debemos respetarlo, pero nuestro modo debe ser siempre ejemplar aunque usemos nuestra ropa diaria. Explorador, así como juramos en nuestra promesa, requiere de mucho valor pues a diario tenemos que soportar situaciones que requieran de fortaleza para mantener firme nuestro proposito de ser Explorador, vivamos según el codigo y guemonos según la consigna y sepamos desde el principioque ser Explorador significa ser diferente... y eso es nuestro mundo y nuestro tiempo requiere de mucho ¡valor! Abner Josue Rodriguez ERNetVe Oficial E.R. Yaracuy - Venezuela. The value of Being a Ranger. In order to enter in the Ranks of God, it doesn't only mean putting on a uniform and going on activities or campouts. In all those things you cannot leave out love and the spirit and adventure that penetrates our hearts. For this we begin to understand what truly signifies being a Royal Ranger. If we have the Love of Jesus in our heart and do more than just wear the uniform, we are truly explorers and once an Ranger always a Ranger. You could not wear your uniform, we could do other things, but the ideals of the Rangers will always be our promise to God. With Patriotism and oneness with God it will always remain remain forever in our hearts. We are not Rangers because we wear our uniforms with pride, we use the uniform to show that we are Rangers to everyone else. God identifies us and we ought to respect his will but our dress ought to eximplify our daily living. Rangers, this is how we fulfil our commitment to the code. It requires alot of heart and a daily quest to support the situations that require inner strength to maintain our firm beliefs in being a Ranger. Live according to the eight blue points of the Royal Ranger Code and continue God's will and we ought to know that this is what it means to be a Ranger. ...and this in our world and our time requires a lot of courage. Abner Josue Rodriquez Venuzuela ![]()
From: Austin Tanner
11/22/2001Hi Your site is really great, Im in the process of building a site for our local outpost. Im from Mississippi outpost 102 Salem Full Gospel Lucedale, MS ![]()
From: Frank Sarvabui
11/21/2001I love your site and it has been a great resource for us to use. I just became District Commander of Nebraska and we have renovated our site as well. Our Site is: www.novia.net/rangers/indexn.htm Again thank you for what you have done with this site it's great. ![]() 11/19/2001 11/17/2001
From: Cmdr. Jerry
11/15/2001From what I've been able to get to it's a great site. There's just not enough time in a day to visit it all. On your toolcraft site thuogh on slide 11 the SAFETY FIRST sing blocks out a couple words (fyi). Thanx for your very helpful site. ![]()
From: Rickey Climes
11/14/2001this website is cooool!!! and that it helps me at the camp i'm going to the roundup. [p.s write back ![]()
From: Angela Veasey
11/13/2001Hi, just wanted to tell you this is great and that I have a suggestion about something you could add on here. How about adding like the format of a certificate for the different awards. thank you Angela Veasey Cmdr for straight arrows and buckaroos at Gateway Christion AG outpost 16 southeast dist. ![]()
From: Matthew Leighty
11/12/2001Hey! This is the most professional and complete RR web site I have ever seen. Matthew Leighty Children's Pastor Calvary Temple A.G., San Antonio ![]()
From: Dennis Helms
11/12/2001Hey DJ, Glad to see that youre all settled in at your new location, I have seen your name popping up here and there lately, all is stil well here in Pen FL, we're holding down the for till HE comes. We'l be praying for you and your family to prosper to the max that God would desire. Outpost 10 website is still going strong, in fact the site won the "Golden Web Award" from the International Associaction of Web Masters and Designers for 2001-2002. I owe you a huge thank you for the advice in setting up the site, you are a big part of the award, Thanks Again my Brother. BUll Gator Outpost 110 2175 S Fiske Blvd Rockledge, FL 32955 Pen FL Dist Eastern Divionsion Section 5 ![]()
From: Bill (3Hats) Parker
11/9/2001Hi Ranger DJ. The official North Carolina site is online for a year or so now. We are forbidden to link out, but if would be nice if you could link to us. We provide contact and schedule information for North Carolina. The link is: ncroyalrangers.ws Thanks very much, 3Hats (NC district FCF coordinator) ![]()
From: Stephen M. Woodall, Ohio District
11/7/2001I like your site but could you please work on getting bible studies online so ranger leaders can print them out and use them. Thanks! ![]()
From: Jorge A. Gonzalez
11/7/2001hi my name is Jorge A.Gonzalez, and I am from Nuevo Laredo,Tamaulipas, Mexico. I belong to a church that has the Royal Ranger program. I want to know how can I get some patches for the kids on the program. I will be glad if you sent me some information on the Royal Rengers. ![]()
From: Walter Alvarado Garcia
11/6/2001Desde la zona norte de Honduras, el el centro de America reciban saludos y multiples bendiciones de parte de cada Explorador del Rey de nuestro pais, su hermano en Cristo Walter Alvarado Garcia y Obed Isai Alvarado Funes mi pequeño hijo. Actualmente trabajo para la region norte como sub.comandante nacional en esta region y a la vez soy comandante mayor del destacamento # 13 de Honduras (destacamento Eben-Ezer). Un Exploradoricimo saludo,en espera de noticias,favor escribirme eerrnorte@hotmail.com Preparados, Salvando almas para Cristo I am from the North of Honduras in Central America. We salute you and blessings from each of us in Royal Rangers in our country. Your brother in Christ Walter Alvarado Garcia and Obed Isai Alvarado (my brother). Today I work in the North Region as the National Commander in this region and I am in charge of outpost #13 in Honduras in Eben Ezer. Many big salutes hope to hear from you. Please send us news. Always prepared to save souls for Christ. ![]()
From: Larry Quinn
11/6/2001Unbelieveable, and yet I believe! Great job, thank you for your efforts. Do you have any lesson plans/guides that can help teachers with the book lessons. For example, camp craft, fire craft, etc? Our teachers may not be great teachers but could be with the help of a lesson guide. Again, thank you & God Bless. Larry Quinn - Deacon over RR at Metropolitan Tabernacle, Chesterfield, MI ![]()
From: Paul Crandall Johnson
11/3/2001My name I Paul Crandall Johnson, from Brownsville, Texas. Your work on this website has helped me get started with my boys and will be a tremendous help as the church moves to its new facilities. May the Lord Jesus Christ richly bless you!! In His Holy Name. Amen. ![]()
From: dave skattum
11/3/2001Hi DJ, Your web site is great!! I have gotten a lot of info from you for our outpost, thanks!! I would like to get info. from you about web site building. I have read (breifly) your "building a royal ranger website". Most of which is "greek". I would like to know how much money it takes and how much time it takes to establish and run a site for a local outpost. and how I can go about learning more about building a site. ![]()
From: Dwanda Sullivan
11/2/2001Taking a few seconds to say hi and what a nice surprise!!! THIS ID DWANDA SULLIVAN!! :)) Went to the Dogpile Search engine and typed in Devotional Object Lessons for Children and found your site among the many and think your site is terrific. Thanks for all your hard work and dedication to helping the rest of us people who want to teach aind inspire children to love and honor God. Hope you are all doing well and enjoying living "up north" in the "freezing snow". I couldn't do it. Miss seeing your guys each year at the reunion or any other time...but keep up with you some through Mother (Leona). Tell Freda and Dana hello too. Take care....and again....thanks. : )) Love ya'll Dwanda ![]() 11/2/2001
From: Brett Helton
10/31/2001I really find this sight very infomative. All the information is very easily accessed. This is truly a blessed web sight, I know that it blesses me everytime I use it. I am a Commander for the Pioneer's class. This web sight is geared to equip me in the contents needed to lead these wonderful boys down the right path. Thank you, and may God Bless you and all who developed this sight. ![]()
From: Brigido Giménez S.
10/31/2001Hi! My name is Brigido Giménez, I´m from Paraguay in South America, and I really enjoy your page. God bless you all in a special way. ![]()
From: Andrtew Holtman
10/29/2001I like your page,it has got a good view of everthing.I like the pictures of the animals very much.You should but some more pictures in your Clip Art and to the Patches. ![]()
From: Carson Zaragoza
10/27/2001Great site! You have put together an excellent resource for commanders as well as Rangers. ![]()
From: Adrian Allan
10/27/2001I really love this website because I can learn more things about Royal Rangers. This website is cool!!!!!!!!! Thanks for putting this website. I love the games in this website. The games in this website rocks. The website is to cool. I turn on my computer everyday just to come on this website ![]()
From: Adrian Allan
From: Woody Yeagle Outpost 90 W.Florida
10/26/2001This is my first contact with your website even though I have ben helping with Royal Rangers or serving as a commander and chaplin with several outpost since being saved in the Assemblys of God in 1970. I am 55 years old and just moved to the West Florida District 2yrs ago from the Southern Missouri District for health reasons. I just made a recommitment to serve the Royal Ranger Program here at our new church home at Holley Assembly of God and offer my experience and service to the fine young men here and be a servant to all as much as my physical limitations and the strength from the Holy Spirit will allow. I intend to update my dues in FCF, that I might be back in good standings with this great group of men. This Outpost has a vision for growing and expanding it's ability to construct facilities for being able to offer LTC training to present leaders and future leaders to come. I hope to glean from your website the help we will desprately need for this calling. I made this renewed commitment believing that,to see Jesus send the revival to this nation as our Brother from Korea has shared with us,our main goal should be to lead boys to Christ,water and help them to mature and grow in the Lord and last and most importantly to prepare labors for Christ harvest fields. Then we will see Jesus send the Holy Spirit with His Revival. Thank You for this Website,that I by Your good works,am able to turn to in this endeavor. Yours In Christ beloved. ![]() 10/26/2001
From: Art Montelongo
10/25/2001Hi. I'm a new senior commander in a practically new outpost in south Texas, your website is being very helpfull to us. God bless you. Art Montelongo. P.S. Can you recomend me any books, or websites I am working with the challengers on Fire Craft award. Thanks. ![]() 10/25/2001
From: Angelo
10/25/2001HI, my name is Angelo. I'd like to say that this is a great website. I'ts helped my senior commander (A.K.A. my father) to prepare for Wednesday night RR meetings. Keep up the great work! P.S. One thing that you could add to this site is the whole Adventures in Camping Handbook. ![]()
10/25/2001I love how kids may not be able to go to church but they can come here to know GOD!!! ![]()
10/24/2001I love how kids may not be able to go to church but they can come here to know GOD!!! ![]()
From: Simone Pilz
10/23/2001Hi! I'm from Germany(outpost#254 Kempten). This page is really great!! So much information and very easy to survey! God bless you and your work! Simone ![]() 10/23/2001 10/23/2001
From: Ruben Valles
10/22/2001The website is great,and evebody that apart of it.RangerDJ is the best.Thank you for putting this website out. From Outpost #20 Pathway to the Cross Assembly of God in Seagraves Texas ![]()
From: Samuel Bannerman
10/21/2001Hi Commander, I am very pleased to write to you. I would like you send me some gaming ideas. Thank you. Samuel Bannerman, P.O.BOX 8257, TEMA/ GHANA WEST AFRICA. Thank you. Samuel Bannerman. ![]()
From: Daniel Scott
10/20/2001This is a great web site. Wish I found out about it sooner. Keep up the great work. ![]() 10/18/2001 10/18/2001 10/17/2001 10/17/2001
From: Kevin Fleming
10/16/2001Great website - thanks for all you do - God Bless you - God Bless our Royal Ranger and God Bless America ![]()
From: J Steven Wilkerson
10/16/2001I Really like the website, I've told all my other leaders about it. I know it's going to be a big help. Sharing info this way is wonderful. Thanks, J Steven Wilkerson Senior Commander Outpost 193 Tennessee District ![]() 10/16/2001
From: Roy van Bossé
10/15/2001this is very nice for 7 years i was the outpost 4 senior commander of the netherlands ![]()
From: Tim Vogel
10/14/2001I like your web site. I was wondering if I could get my younger youth group chartered. I am the youth pastor of Community Foursquare Church in Raytown, Mo. Please send me charter information at vogelplace7@yahoo.com and let me know how I can find out more about the program. THANKS! Tim ![]() 10/13/2001
From: Ismael Torres
10/13/2001hi Sr.Commander Ismael Torres outpost 202 send new 2002Royal Rangers thank you God Love World he gife only son. send Email Name and outpost God bless you OUR FRIEND Sr.Com.Ismael ![]()
From: Kevin Sullivan
10/13/2001D.J. This is without any question the most informative RRoyal Ranger site there is. You do an incredible job ![]()
From: Kevin Sullivan
10/12/2001D.J. This is without any question the most informative Royal Ranger site there is. You do an incredible job ![]()
From: Mark Leonard
10/11/2001RangerDJ, Just discovered your website. So far its great. I justed started helping commander BOB over here in Rogers AR, at FCF. He mentioned your website. We got a pretty good group in the making. Were kinda stretched for space, but that's a good problem. We going to build some more class rooms. Were just starting, so I am going to go through website throughly to get ideas and material. Praise GOD for using the web to his glory. Serving God is a Blast! Thanks again. ![]() 10/9/2001
From: Clifton Mallory
10/6/2001Outpost 101/Pen.Florida. I started out looking for applications for commander of the year. But found this Web-site and didn't think I would get off, because of all the information that we can use in our outpost. ![]()
From: Deby Hundley
10/6/2001Hey, DJ. It's a friend from your past! This is Ben and Billy Hundley's mom, Deby. I pray that when other Ranger Leaders go to your sight for inspiration and guidance, they catch the same vision for these young men that you have. I know that Rangers have helped to shape my sons lives because it builds a firm foundation in Christ. I want to encourage you and the others who visit this site that Rangers is inspired of God and that as you men who devote their time, talent, and life to this ministry that you are impacting and being a beacon of hope for these young men. These young men watch more than just you being a Ranger Leader. They watch every aspect of your life. They watch your faithfulness to the house of God, how you are outside of the church, how you treat others around you, etc. May God continue to richly bless you and the other Ranger Leaders as they go forth for the glory of God. ![]()
From: Kenny Human
10/6/2001Hi, I am Senior Commander Kenny Human , Out Post 80. I have just took this position a few weeks ago, This website I think is going to be a real BLESSING to me. I Have just found it. I will be talking to you later. God Bless You Senior Commander Kenny ![]()
From: Robyn Harbour
10/5/2001A great site, I am doing a promo on the different American sites for Eagle Outlook the Victoria/Tasmaina leadership Mag in Australia. I am the editor and am administrator of Bendigo Outpost No 20\9 ![]()
10/5/2001HI I've been a Royal Ranger since I was 5 and now I am 13 and I pray every ones whose family were in the trade towers when the building fell and all those who were in the pentagon and all those who were left with no dads or moms. I think think this web site is so cool ive been on this website before. ![]() 10/4/2001 10/3/2001
From: Benjamin Suarez
10/2/2001Ranger DJ I think your website is awsome. Out of all the ones I've seen, Yours is the best even though I have only gone into about maybe 1/3 of the Royal Ranger websites. I am looking foward to seeing what you will have in the future when the New Program comes out. See you soon. Ranger Ben ![]()
From: Esan Abrahams
10/2/2001hello, I am from Guyana south america and I think your site is the best RR website on the net.Keep the good work up and thank you for being online. ![]()
From: John Hanson
9/29/2001So the church says: We want you to be in charge of Royal Rangers. What do I do next? They haven't done it for a couple of years and there isn't much info. I tried checking the web. (Royal Rangers.com is kind of hoaky.) Lot's of garb so far, but not a whole lot of detail. Suggestions? ![]()
From: Bruce C. Spaulding
9/29/2001Hi this is Bruce c. Spaulding. I'm a Section Commmander of Northern Cal. Nev. district. Also a member of OP#5 Concord,Cal. My email address is bcspaulding@sbcglobal.net. Keep up the good work on your website. ![]()
From: Duaine Deason
9/28/2001As the newly appointed Senior commander in Crystal River Florida I want to thank you for this website. I never realized how much planning, preparation and studying I would have to do for this ministry. I am enjoying this for the first time and hope to use much of this info in my outpost. Thank you and God Bless Duaine Deason ![]()
From: Martin Angel
9/28/2001Bro. MAN, this is awsome!! I've been a senior commander for over 10 years and I've never ran across such helpfull resources...GOD BLESS Keep up the good work ![]()
From: Mark Myers
9/26/2001I love the website and especially the start page. By the way I really like the christian flag that flows in the wind. If it be possible I would like a copy of that file or how you created it or got that animated image. I would like to put it on my website. ![]()
From: Rick Stokes
9/26/2001Hi my name is Rick Stokes. I am a LTC with Outpost 182, Weatherly Road Assmebly of God, Huntsville Al. I just move up here and got involved again after a 2 year absense. I was involved in R/R at Outpost 74, Destin Fl from 1992 - 1999. My commander gave me the link to your very fine web site. Thanks for doing this ![]()
From: Gary Ward
9/26/2001As a new commander I find this site a great help untill we get our work books I use the devotions from here GOD bless ![]()
From: kevin gary
9/26/2001Hi RangerDJ! Great job!! Tonight is our first meeting of the new season, and I just sat down to organize my meeting. I will lead pioneers again this year. Thought I'd look at you website, I'll come back again when i have more time. see ya & God Bless!!! kevin gary new horizons assembly of God lowell, ma outpost 138 ![]()
From: Bill Nelson
9/26/2001I think that this great, I hope that more leaders would use it. Please give updates and if you could mark as updates. Bill Nelson Outpost 22 Wisconson - N - Michigan District ![]()
9/25/2001This has been the best source of info I've found in looooong time. Keep up the good work. THANKS FROM OUTPOST #65 @ BETHANY AOG OF SAN DIEGO, CA. ![]()
From: Mario Rivera
9/25/2001Mario Rivera Outpost460 Southern pacific latin I like website a lot but you should have the rr bucks for free so that everyone can enjoy of them ![]()
From: jonathan, OUT POST 104 SED
9/20/2001Ranger dj i really enjoyed your site i found it very usefull for what i was looking for my the Lord almighty bless you ![]()
From: Paul Turner
9/19/2001Hello, Just wondering, but did I see somewhere on your site where there is national RR week in the A/G? In October maybe? Let me know, thanks. Paul ![]()
From: Barbara and Roy Phillips
9/19/2001Hi, GREETINGS from WALES U.K. My name is Barbara Phillips. I am a Buckaroo leader. With my husband, I have been involved with the Royal ranger programme since 1977. Our outpost is Wales 03 U.K. Thankyou for our website it is well organized and has proved beneficial, we have drawn from it. God bless. ![]()
From: Inny Ku
9/18/2001HI~ Iam a ranger from germany. And your page is really very cool, i like it :) be blessed !!! Inny Ku ![]()
From: Curtis Murray
9/13/2001I love the way the site is set up. We started our outpost in Hillister, TX about a year ago. Keep up the good work and God bless ya'll. ![]()
From: Grady Thurston
9/13/2001Your site is great, just add contact information of the AG in Springfield and it will be complete. thanks, God bless YOU, HE has us with your works ![]()
From: Jacob Tilley outpost 7 Mississippi
9/13/2001i LLLLLLLLOOOOVVVVEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! the web page its AWSOME!!!!!!!! ![]()
From: Bob Eugenio
9/11/2001Hi, I have learned that you have a good US flag available that can be copied. Can I do that please... Thank You .... I want to show my patriotism for cause by displaying this US flag in my car window & house. Thanks again... ![]()
From: Rick and DeeDee
9/11/2001Hi there, We are R.R. leaders also. My husben and I have been working in R.R. for years if we add it all up. Rick was looking and found your set. It is great. I just took over the Strait arrow class at church.. I an looking forword the teaching this class again.. Rick has been teaching there now for over a year. I needed some of the thing that I found here so thank you ..DeeDee ![]()
From: Silvano Centeno Jr.
9/11/2001hi,I like the site. This is my first time on it. I am still looking it over. I have been trying to connect with ed white but I can't seem to sign on at his email address. maybe you can help.thanks.Outpost 242 sect.14 ![]()
From: Silvano Centeno Jr.
9/10/2001hi,I like the site. This is my first time on it. I am still looking it over. I have been trying to connect with ed white but I can't seem to sign on at his email address. maybe you can help.thanks. ![]()
From: Janne Borresen
9/9/2001I found your website and wanted to say hallo from Royal Rangers in Sarpsborg, Norway. I realy like your website. We don't have a website yet, but one day we will. Love Janne ![]()
From: Edgardo Pantoja Miranda
9/8/2001Hi. This is Edgardo Pantoja Miranda, Pioneers Comander here in Barranquilla (Colombia). MY OUTPOST: Name: Victorious Bears Number: 12 District: North Church: Centro Bíblico Internacional I like this web site a lot. I think it is the more complete and interesting site on the Royal Rangers stuff. Congratulations. God bless you. ![]()
From: Bruce C. Spaulding
9/6/2001Hi I'm a section commander in the Northen Neveda Dist. I just got on line.So far I like what I see. ![]()
From: Sid Bean
9/6/2001This is for your You could be a Royal Ranger Section. Senior Commander Email: kpswbear@metrocast. Northern New England Northern Church Name: Christian Worship Center Outpost # 4 You might be a Royal Ranger if... You cook a turkey in a trash can, and rost meat on a spit for the church picnic ![]()
From: Anne Voswinkel, Outpost 117 - GERMANY
9/5/2001Thanks a lot for this great Ranger-site! It's been a lot of help for us!! God bless! ![]()
From: Chris Groves
9/2/2001This is the nicest website i have seen for the Royal Rangers. Keep the good work up and may God Bless you for what you do. ![]()
From: P.A. Adcock
8/30/2001Hello Ranger DJ! GREAT SITE! LOVE IT!!! I was wondering if you might have some plans for a rope bridge. My son is on his last few steps in earning his GMA, one of them being to build a rope bridge. Any help you might be able to give would be GREATLY appreciated! HAVE A FANTASTIC DAY!!! P.A. Adcock Trailblazers Commander Outpost 251 Tampa Assembly of God Springfield, Missouri ![]()
From: Chuck Carver
8/30/2001Hi my name is chuck and i'm from outpost 183 in Molalla oregon,your web site will be a great aide to me and my boys. I'm looking forward to searching it out and will get back to you later thanks for you time ![]()
From: jose luis
8/30/2001Greetings Royal Rangers, I hope you can speak spanish. I am from El Salvador. I hope you all keep going forward, and respond quickly. saludos hermanos exploradores esperando que ablenespañol, desde El Salvador les deseo que sigan adelante y que pronto me escriban. jose luis destacamento OLAM nueva apopa . ![]()
From: Robin Mclain
8/30/2001Howdy,my name is Robin McLain from Whitehouse,Tx.(First Assembly of God) Outpost 216 N.T.District,Tyler Sect.. I had worked with the rangers for about a year as a helper/commander.Recently I have become the Sr.Commander.Your website has been very helpful,interesting and a learning tool. Before a year ago I had know knowledge of the royal ranger program benifits.I was never a ranger or even knew about this program until I had gotten back into church(10 yrs-praise God).I am still learning about this RR program each week. Thanks for making this helpful tool it is greatly appericiated. The CD has been an aide for me also. In Christ--Robin ![]()
From: david ruiz
8/28/2001this is an interesting website. hi my is david ruiz i would like some help from any r/r out there. i need some info on rope-craft like a package put together thank you and god bless you my email is kingdom78224@yahoo.com ![]()
From: calvin wright
8/26/2001Hi my name is calvin. We just started a new outpost in seligman Mo. I'am going through training and would like to know if you have any before meeting activity ideas that I might could use. I realy like your website keep up the good work. ![]()
From: James T Kelley
8/25/2001Hi RangerDJ. My name is James T kelley at outpost 156 at Faith Assembly of God in Harrison,AR. I'm a Pioneer Commander there. ![]()
From: Lydia Christman
8/23/2001This website is great stuff!!! Greetings and blessings from Outpost#34 Wiesbaden, Germany ![]()
From: Alex Hogan
8/23/2001Hi, my name's Alex and I was checking out your site so I could get a feel for it. I'm gonna have my site for Outpost 264 up soon and I hope I can link it here. ![]()
From: Paul
8/23/2001Hi, Great site! I tried the chat page and it didn't work. Is it diffferent for aol users? Paul ![]()
From: Bernard Wicker
8/21/2001Thank you for having this web site. I am An Senior Commander of Whitmire PHC Royal Ranger's Program in South Carolina. I have use alots of your information for my program. Please keep us in your prayers and we will do the same ! God Bless you & your Outpost Bernard Wicker ![]()
From: Bill Ballentine
8/19/2001Great looking web site! Bill Ballentine, Senior Commander, Outpost 20, North Carolina District. My website: ncfallencops.com ![]()
From: Commander Linda Peck
8/19/2001I love your website. Our outpost 54 is going to have a council fire once a month with all the boys Straight Arrows on up to Challengers. I am in charge of the story telling. I am looking for some good stories to tell. I could not find any in your website. Do you have any to share or know of a place I could find some. I would appreciate any help. I am Commander Linda Peck- Straight Arrows ![]()
From: Rev. Dennis Stuart
8/18/2001Loved you site. I have sent you an update for our site. On your outpost listings for Missouri. We are there but you have us under the Southern Mo district. We are Northern Mo. District.. Praise Assembly out-post 61 Columbia, Mo. ![]()
From: Jimmy Zoller
8/18/2001Ilike this website sir! Jimmy/ Outpost65 /potomac district/ pioneers. Its great!Thanks! I go to word of life in springfield at the corner of edsall and baclick. we have three commanders one's my dad. ![]()
From: Ruben D. Lopez
8/15/2001Hello royal rangers i am Ruben Lopez from Dominican Republic I have a group of 35 rangers ,I will like some help for order the Dominican Emblem.we are from the Asamblea de Dios Pentecostal in Dom.Rep. ![]()
From: Bob Jones
8/12/2001Great website. Do you know of any RR tracking software that has the changes to the program. I would not want to buy something that will be outdated in just a few short months. ![]() 8/12/2001
From: don olivo
8/11/2001Brother this site is excellent. I have been able to use it with my boys for information and training. Keep up the great work. I think I might try to make one myself and have the boys help too. God Bless!!! Senior Comm. Don Olivo Outpost 156 Gulf Latin American Dist. ![]()
From: Jonathan Wolfson
8/11/2001Ranger DJ, This is Jonathan Wolfson from Illinois. We met at National Council. The site is still looking great! I always tell my friends to come to your site if they have questions, or too see a good Ranger site. I was just wondering how to get nominated for the Silver Lantern award? If I can nominate my site, please let me know. Thanks and God bless. Jonathan P.S. my website address for my outpost site is: http://ilrrop85.homestead.com Thanks ![]()
From: teh kiao si
8/10/2001how i like this website tell your what most i like is hear the music in this website i am from perak taiping #5 ![]()
From: Edgar Aguilar Cuela
8/10/2001Hi,I`m Edgar Aguilar I`m Bolivian and I know how to be an Explorador del Rey.I hope that you write me in a next time. Greetings to my com.Mario Ticona Cora(La Paz-Bolivia).Lema: "PREPARADO" ![]()
From: Edgar Aguilar Cuela
8/9/2001Hi,again.Now I`m going to speak in spanish.Hola,estoy muy contento con este web,quiero mandar saludos a todos mis camaradas de otros países tambien y recordarles esa consigna que está en Mateo 7:12. Quiero que me digan donde puedo encontrar información en español acerca de los exploradores de Aire/Mar/Senda. Yo soy un explorador de Senda. La información la pueden enviar a mi e-mail encantado61@hotmail.com Hi,again.Now I`m going to speak in spanish. Hi, I am very happy with this site, I would like to send greetings for all my comrades from other countries and remember us with a passage from Mark 7:12. I would like you all to tell me where I could find information in spanish about the Air, Sea and Trail Rangers. I am a Trail Ranger. You can send me any information to my email at encantado61@hotmail.com ![]()
From: robertto escarria
8/7/2001su pagina es exelente! soy comandante de los Exploradores del Rey, aqui en colombia, suramerica. me interesa tener mayor informacion sobre el camporama del 2002. mi cargo en los exploradores del rey, es el de comandante Promotor Nacional DEL PREOGRAMA, y comandante deL Area de Misiones para los Distritos que conforman las Asambleas de Dios en Colombia Your page is excellent! I am the commander of the God's Explorers (Rangers), here in Colombia, South America. I am interested in obtaining information about the Camporama in 2002. My role in the Rangers is the Commander of the National Promotion of the program, and the commander of the area District Missions that the Assembly of God has in Colombia ![]()
From: Darrell Clakley
8/6/2001Though I have not been associated with an outpost in many years (we converted our outpost to a BSA Troop--it has since returned to the A/G program although not as it should be), your site is most informative. It offers ideas that would work with most any boy-led program. My comendation to you and yours. I have been involved with the BSA in a volunteer status since 1988, serving on our District staff since 1993. I found that few A/G churches run the RR program as it should be--complete with camping and the outdoor experience. Too many utilize it as a babysitting service on Wednesday nights. ![]()
From: benjamin owusu-achaw
8/5/2001Hi, I'm a member of Calvary Temple Assembly of God church in Kumasi-Ghana,and also a Leader of Royal Rangers.Infact,I see this website as helpful for the group.I will like to have a hand-in-hand coresponding programm with you.Please,try to notify me with any helpful information that can help me in the work for the Lord.My telephone number is 051-35991.Hope to hear from you.Yours faithfuly in the Lord. ![]()
From: David
8/5/2001Hi I love your site! I was wondering. Do you still need pics from are outpost. And I have pics from The arizona district Jamboree. So if you need them just ask! ![]()
From: Emanuela Marti
8/4/2001I like this website very much! Lord I lift your name on high! Halleluja! I am in the Royal Rangers from Switzerland! I like very much to go to there. I have allready become a leader by the youngest children! This site is very cool. I like the music and the graphics ![]()
From: Kelvin
8/2/2001this wbsite is great.....i get all the information i want from here....do all of u have a place where we can trade patch??? Malaysia ![]()
From: Donna Howard (Mom of R.R.)
8/2/2001I found this when scanning general info. about Edenton. This site is the most professional of any I encountered in the Edenton directory. My husband and I will visit your town Aug. 10th. Where is your church located? We'd like to attend Sun. A.M. Thanks! ![]()
From: Annette
7/29/2001Hi there, Your website is bright,colourful,and full of fun,well done, God bless you all in every way ![]()
From: Outpost in Malaysia
7/28/2001Hi, I think your site is great. It would be even better if you had a link for crafts. I'm a Straight Arrow commander, and I need ideas epecially on how to make an Indian necklace. So far, I haven't found any on the Internet yet. ![]()
From: exploradores del rey ICEP
7/25/2001los exploradores de la iglesia cristiana el peñon les mandamos muchas saludes *sergio bohada, evelyn rodriguez , steven rodriguez , santiago bohada y el comandante vladimir gonzalez esperamos que nos escriban Dios los bendiga The explorers of the christian church of the rock (...big rock like a mountain) send you all a big greeting * sergio bohada, evelyn rodriguez , steven rodriguez , santiago bohada and the commander vladimir gonzalez. We hope that you write us and God bless you. ![]() 7/25/2001
From: michael k. troche
7/21/2001Whats up DJ? This is Mike Troche in Pensacola Florida. hey, this is a cool web site. God bless you and others who come to this site!!! ![]()
From: Allen Harvey
7/13/2001Hi, RagerDJ! I am a Trailblazer at my Royal Ranger Group at Outpost# 113. If you have the time, I would like to get an e-mail from you about......well about everything in the Royal Rangers. Thanks-a-million! Allen Harvey †GOD BLESS† ![]() 7/13/2001 7/12/2001
From: Stetson Jenkins
7/12/2001Hello this is my first time and I really like all the great stuf and links to all sorts of things and everything that is on here. Thank you for making such a cool web site!! Stetson ![]()
From: charles ahiakonu
7/12/2001I am a member of the Royal rangers in deliverance assemblies Church here in Ghana. I like the group be cause of discipline and the word of God giving to us . Despites we do not have enough purchase uniform and other things.We still like the group much!!!!! Thanks charles ![]()
From: George Reynolds
7/11/2001Hi, DJ! Great web site! I met you at the Camporama, but I'm sure you wouldn't remember me. Question: I thought I saw at one time a RR web site with forms for advancement, for Pioneer and Trailblazer advancement steps, but now I can't find it. Is there such a site, and if so, could you tell me where I can find it? Email me at george.reynolds@startrekmail.com. I am in Outpost 27, Potomac District, and am a member of the Tidewater South Section staff. George Reynolds ![]() 7/10/2001
From: Jakes Mahne
7/9/2001Hi. This is great. I am new to RR and am looking for resources. Is everything on your site available on one cd? ![]()
From: Dan Chambers
7/6/2001Love your site. Been here awhile ago. You have alot of great info. Is everybody ready for camporama 2002? Commander Dan Chambers Outpost #25 Toledo, OH ![]()
From: Randy Miller
7/6/2001Ranger DJ, Greetings brother. You are to be commended for establishing and maintaining such a magnificent Royal Rangers Website. There is one minor flaw I would like to bring to your attention, as I'm certain that it was simply an oversight. In the "Chat Room" section of your site, I've noticed that you have misspelled the words "Courageous" and "Obedient" in your reminders to the users of the Chat Room to be: Alert, Clean, Honest, Couragious(sic), Loyal, Courteous, Obediant(sic), and Spiritual. Please don't take offense. I just thought you would like to know. Randy ![]()
From: Mark Poole
7/5/2001DJ you have a great site and it seems to be helpful. I know it has helped me in the past. However I thought that I would comment on your suggestions for a first-aid kit. I am a Corpsman with the Coast Guard and I think that your ideas are great except for the suggestions concerning narcotics. The thought that I had was that maybe someone who did not think or know better would administer then to some of the boys and that could be dangerous. Anyway hope I have not offended in any way. In His Service Mark Poole ![]()
From: Jerry Lagares
7/3/2001God bless, this web site is great and is a blessing to all of us. May God continue to bless you and everyone in this Great Ministry. We here in the South eastern Spanish District always go into this web site for new information and great ideas. God bless you all. ![]()
From: Joshua Aguilar
7/2/2001God Bless you, congratulations on the great site, continue in his service. I want to let you know that I have a site of our own, www.rroutpost204.com, maybe you can create a link to it in your site, I have created a link on our site to yours, I would really appreciate it. Thanks and God bless. -Joshua Aguilar SPD FCF Scribe (El Dorado Chapter) C.L.A. Sect. FCF Rep. Outpost Commander (204) ![]()
From: jeremy rowland
6/29/2001hello my name is jeremy rowland and i am from outpost 104 from Danville Kentucky. I think the royal rangers is great for boys that like to camp and want to learn about god its also good for grown men. ![]()
From: Oswaldo Escobar
6/28/2001hello! My name is Oswaldo Escobar. I am in Guatemala, Central America. I want a buy a CD Room, please send me more information ![]()
From: Heath Ruchotzke
6/28/2001I've seen better, but I appreciate what you are getting across to people through this website.--Just Kidding--this is great. Sincerely, Heath Ruchotzke ![]() 6/27/2001
From: Mike Ledbetter
6/26/2001Hey Ranger, I am with the 187th Infantry Regt. @ Ft Campbell,KY. also a Buckaroos Cdr with Tennessee Outpost #36. I will be on deployment to England with the 3rd Paras in July. I have contacted a few Outposts over there already, so if there is anything I can do or get that helps with the website, let me know. Cdr. Mike ![]() 6/26/2001
From: David A. Ayiku
6/25/2001Hi, Greetings in the name of our Lord and Master Ranger Jesus Christ. I really like your site especially the settings and choice of colours. ![]() 6/25/2001
From: Cmdr Howard Witzenburger
6/23/2001I love this site I'm a Buckaroo Commander in Pen. Florida now with Faith Assembly of God in Orlando on Goldenrood Rd.. Our outpost is #193. I moved here from L.I. NY I was with outpost #99 Bethlehem Assembly of God in Valley Stream, NY I have been in Royal Rangers for 7 years with my son he is a Pioneer and about to make his mountain man rating. God Bless andKeep You All Cmdr Howard Witzenburger ![]() 6/21/2001 6/21/2001
From: Michael andTimothy Danley , Outpost 71
6/21/2001Hi, This is Michael and Timothy Danley from Pensacola. We just wanted you to know that we like your website and miss you. Hope to see you at Camporama next year. Bye for now , Michael and Timothy ![]() 6/17/2001
From: Tarry Tusing
6/15/2001Hi, I am from the New York District. OutPost 268. I think your site is great and see a lot of great htings I can use. Keep up the good work! ![]()
From: Richard Rawnsley (ThreeMinks)
6/14/2001Hi and GOD BLESS to every one, great web site very organized and informative thanks from ThreeMinks Gila River Chapter AZ. F.C.F (Pres.) ![]()
From: Peter Aviles
6/13/2001i think your website is very informative site and overall enjoyable site. thank you for your work in the ranger program. My name is peter & i attend Faith assembly of God and I have been in the ranger 15 years ,Please keep up the work. God Bless ![]()
From: Manny Echevarría
6/13/2001Hi Thanks for all the Ranger info available in this site. I enjoy it everytime I enter. I need to have information about the Pow Wow Skills course. How is it done? I have to prepare one for our Puerto Rico District Pow Wow. Thanks always ![]()
From: jackie anderson
6/13/2001Hi, I love your website! I am a parent of a straight arrow, and have always been a little lost when it came to what my son needed to know and why! I have learned so much from you website and just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate all your hard work to put all this information together!! ![]()
From: Dorys L. Cancel
6/9/2001Hello and God Bless you all. My name is Dorys Cancel I serve as a commander for Outpost#266 of the Eastern Hispanic District. My e-mail is Soha345@aol.com. I love the way your website is organized yet accesible and easy to know where you want to go and what you want to see. ![]() 6/9/2001
From: David Weber
6/8/2001Hi, We are also members of the Royal Ranger Outpost in Stuttgart (www.rr35.de). Many Greetins from David in Germany ![]()
From: gary swinson
6/7/2001i like the site very much. There's lots of useful info -when i have time to go thru it all! ![]()
From: Larry Chew
6/6/2001Hello! Im Larry Chew from Malaysia! My outpost is Selangor#1 and I am a TrailRanger. This website is superb! Wonderful job to the creator! ![]()
From: John Banister Outpost 120 Rocky Mountain District
6/6/2001I love this web site. It is Awsome, I love being able to be able to chat about Royal Rangers. ![]()
From: Willis Major
6/5/2001Hi i do like this website that it teach the guys in Royal Rangers. From outpost#86 ![]()
From: Patrick Wise
6/5/2001I was a Ranger about 10 years ago, Section 8 in Pinallas County, I received the Gold Medal and have used many of the things I have learned in Ranger thoughout my life, keep up the good work. Patrick Wise ![]() 6/5/2001 6/4/2001
From: ben ranger outpost 20
6/4/2001This is a realy cool web site. I was just wandering if you could post a link for my rr site, I have it up but I dont get any hits and if you would think about it, I would be graciouse i am from alaska outpost 20 and if you would like to see my site just email me benmuntz@hotmail.com thanks ![]()
From: Kevin Douglass
6/4/2001Hi Fellow Rangers I Just got back from Powwow 2001 held in Peris Lake CA. It was Really Great!!! Things just keep getting better and better because I just found out that we had a web site after 8 years in Rangers. This website is great and I love the music too. This is Kevin Douglass from Outpost#125 signing off. ![]()
From: Louis A. Schopfer, Jr.
6/3/2001Great Site. As a new Royal Ranger Commander would love to meet other RR commanders in West Central New Jersey District. Lou Schopfer, Outpost 78/New Jersey ![]() 6/3/2001 6/2/2001
From: Eliu Rodriguez
6/2/2001I like this front page,easy acces to other things, besides the informational pages .It's very attractive ![]()
From: Jason Mincy
6/2/2001I like your website so much!! It has done alot of good for me and my children's church. Thanks for all the wonderful ideas. ![]() 5/31/2001
From: nathan mccoy
5/30/2001This web site is great I am a assistant commander for outpost 69. I use this web site for camping info, games, devotions, ect. Pretty much my most often used web site. It is great and I thank God for you putting this web site together. It makes my nights alot easier. Our rangers group is just getting started in camping and really working on requirements. We just got started with some new commanders that are actualy going to try to teach them right. We just officially became a outpost this year. It is growing rapidly. We are going on our first campout since I have been assistant commander. ![]()
From: Dean Sizemore
5/27/2001Wanted to let you know, we just started our own website. After seeing what could be done (looking at yours). I wanted to thank you for the clip art etc. available on your site, it helped make setting ours up very easy. Outpost 311 Paiute Section (Las Vegas, NV) ![]()
From: Ebon D. Carter
5/27/2001excellent site! I hope that this site will help make the new curriculum a smoother transition ![]()
From: Oommen
5/27/2001Dear, I am Jacob Oommen[Koning Arthurlaan 180,5625CG Eindhoven] is a believer in Jesus and now attends Maranatha Church in Eindhoven. I am employed at ASML and hence will be staying here for long time;if it is God's Will. So I am looking for an english church which makes it much easier for me to follow the Worship and the message. This web-site is simple and matter-of-fact; good work. ![]()
From: barbara sullivan
5/26/2001i really do like your webb site. i pull alot of your graphics for flyers and etc. ![]()
From: Katharina Gramalla
5/26/2001I like this website very much. I think it´s funny and very nice. And now to me. My name is Katharina im a 17 year old girl from Deggendorf in Germany. I like to have a pen-friend in the USA I want to learn all about it and I must learn English very good! If you know somebody how wants to write me than give him my E-mail adress please. It should be someone how can teach me a better English! (I know it´s terrible but I want to learn!) Tank you an God bles you so much Katharina My adress Kathrina Gramalla Ludwig-Thoma-Str. 6 94469 Deggendorf Germany ![]() 5/25/2001
From: Wendell Conner
5/25/2001Hi Ranger DJ, what an awsome resource for Royal Rangers. Thanks for making it available to commanders every where. W.M. Conner, Deputy Section Commander Austin Tx. ![]()
From: Michelle Newbold
5/24/2001Hi Ranger DJ. Tried to add my site to your linkspage but not sure if it worked. It's www.newboldproducts.com. We make pinewood derby timers. I thought you might already have a link to us but could not find it. ![]()
From: jose luis escobar
5/23/2001que Dios los bendiga siempre y que sigan adelante, son los deseos de jose luis escobar (El Salbador, distrito de Apopa, destacamento OLAM) May God bless always you and keep you moving forward, These wishes come from Jose Luis Escobar. ![]()
From: Chuc Vigil CLADC
5/23/2001RangerDJ, My name is Chuck Vigil and Im the Training Coord. for Central Latin in Colorado and I would to say your website has help me and my District alot,keep up the good work. I would to ask if I could use one of your pictures as a Powwow patch this year. Seeing that it's our 25th year and I think this picture would be great as a powwow patch. We are planning to make only 250 patches. If you would like me send a sample of the patch for you to see I can. I would only make them if only I get your ok. I need to know asap so I could send it in to be made by powwow time. So could you please respond asap. Thanks and God Bless ![]()
From: Phillip Adcock II
5/22/2001Thanks for your website! I'm doing the finishing touches on my GMA and I've found your site to be an incredible source of helpful information! May God Bless You! and always be... READY!!!! ![]()
From: Craig Hall
5/22/2001ranger DJ, I've tried Ranger Chat several times. I've not seen anyone else in there yet. Is there one particular night when maybe there are Rangers chatting? ranger-craig ![]() 5/21/2001
From: Martin Nieves
5/20/2001God Bless. here is the link to a site I created along with other commanders from Latin America. It contains clipart for Exploradores del Rey (Royal Rangers in spanish speaking countries) http://www.ernetclipart.da.ru/ In Christ, Martin Nieves ![]()
From: Ariel Melendez Jr
5/20/2001Hi! I just love your website! It has everything I need for being a successful Royal Ranger and Christian. Anything from advanced merits to devotions to links to other Royal Rangers websites. Keep up the good Work! God Bless You! -A. Melendez Jr, Outpost #119, New Haven, CT. ![]()
From: Mike Durant
5/18/2001Mike Commander oregon district outpost 53 neat website all information I need is here. Great job guys ![]()
5/17/2001soy de la tropa 23 y quiero decir que la paguina esta tremenda o como mis muchachos dirian esta brutal me gusto mucho que dios los bendiga mucho porque hay largo camino que nos espera y con la ayuda de DIOS vamos a alcanzar a todos los niños para CRISTO ALELUYA.... I am with troop 23 and I would like to say that this page is tremendous or like my friends would say this is brutal! I appreciate that God has blessed us so much because there is a long road that awaits us and with the help of god we can raise all children to Christ. Hallalujah ![]()
From: comm. david ruiz
5/17/2001thank you for the information you provied on knife & axe, it came in just in time for a teaching. the royal rangers boys in outpost 176 (victory outreach) would like to thank you, for the information you provied for us. you have a wonderful website may the lord contiued to bless you and your outpost. i hope we can meet in person in the next pow-wow.hope to see you soon. in behaf of our pastor freddie garcia we would kike to thank you and your staff. god bless you ![]()
From: Joel Hughes
5/16/2001RangerDJ thank for this site I really enjoyed the clip art Joel_Hughes@msn.com Commander Outpost 318 ![]()
From: Douglas Potter
5/16/2001My Nameis Douglas Potter, Outpost 151, Point Chapel Assembly of God, Doyline, LA I have found a great amount of information that will help our outpost from yoursite. I do have one question, do you have or know where I can get the plans for the camp dining tables? Thanks for any help ![]()
From: Greg Hapke
5/15/2001Great site. Many useful tools to help from everything to a simple meeting feature to going to Camporama. Thanks for your efforts ![]()
From: lowen
5/12/2001This is a great sight especially for us just starting here in South Africa. If possible could you please put me on some of the RR mailing list to recieve as much info as possible. Great sight learnt a lot and gained inspiration to launch Royal Rangers S.A. When we are an official outpost will furnish you with details. Please pray for us Here in South Africa. and any assistance would be appreciated. ![]()
From: David B. North
5/11/2001What an AWESOME resource for RR ministry. You're not a bad resource, either...glad to have you in our outpost now!!! ![]()
From: Gregorio Santos
5/10/2001hola no hablo ingles pero me motive a enviarles este mensaje de parte del destacamento 26 en puerto plata, republica dominicana bye. mucho gusto Good Bye Hi, I don't speak english but I am motivated to send this message to you all on part of Outpost #26 in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic ![]()
From: timothy ward
5/10/2001I need to get some of your rr of the month awards to down load to my cpu my name is Timothy Ward Im with outpost 54 Im the senior commander for our RR program but I dont know where to go to do that unless the CD-ROM has it on it if so please E-MAIL me back at tlkoolpool@earthlink.net Ilove your web sight very very enjoyable i think it is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ![]()
From: loyd . Whinery Sr. O.P.34 Rocy Mn Dist.
5/10/2001Hi! and God Bless you. It is Awsome to see sometning on the Web that is not Garbage. I am a Royal Ranger Leader and I think this site will Help with New Ideas.Thank You ![]()
From: Ray Jenkins
5/8/2001Hello to all !!!My name is Ray Jenkins and i am a commander for the Pioneers at our Church,Faith Tabernacle in Florence Ala.I just wanted to say thank you for all of the things on this web page and for the Devotions,I used the Toothpaste Devotion wed. night and it worked GREAT !!!The kids loved it and it was a good message too..once again THANKS for the Devotions PS.Make sure you used the Travel size tubes LOL..LOL...God bless you all for the work you do for the Rangers....From outpost 78..God Bless. ![]()
From: Ralf Weber
5/8/2001Hi A lot of greetings from Germany. I've found this website by a link in the homepage of our Royal Ranger outpost www.rr35.de ![]()
From: Comm. Angel Estrada outpost 63
5/8/2001Great website very insightful for boys as well as leaders... May God keep blessing you ![]()
From: Rev. Manuel Hernandez
5/7/2001May God Bless you my brother!!!...it's a great website and very helpfull, for sure I will be using it very much.....Keep up the good work. ![]() 5/7/2001 5/4/2001
From: Ronnie Torres
5/2/2001Hey, I'm an asst. patrol guide from outpost 72. I just wanna say that this a GREAT site! In fact, that's an understatment. later. ![]()
From: Manuel Ernst
4/25/2001Hi, I´m a Royal Ranger from Germany, Outpost 93 in Erlangen. Our new Website ist online now, perhaps you want to have a look. ---> http://www.rr93.de THX ![]()
From: Hector Daniel Rios
4/24/2001Hola mi nombre es Vladimir Gonzalez soy comandante de los exploradores del rey aqui en Colombia expecificamente "Iglesia Cristiana El Peñon Asambleas de Dios Cali". Se que esta nota esta en español, la escribo porque espero conocer algun Comandante de los Royal Rangers que sepa muy bien el español, para poder compartir sobre experiencias que hayan podido tener con los chicos. Espero que me respondan lo mas pronto posible se despide su hermano en Cristo. Hi my name is Vladimir Gonzalez. I am the commander of the Royal Rangers here in Colombia, specifically the "Iglesia Cristiana El Peñon Asambleas de Dios Cali". I know that this letter is in Spanish, and I will write it because I believe that some Royal Ranger Commander out there will know Spanish well, and be able to share our experiences that we have had with the kids. I hope that you all respond to me as soon as possible, just ask for your brother in Christ. Vladimir Gonzalez Rodriguez Comadante de la Iglesia Cristiana el Peñon. E-MAIL: vladys2000@latinmail.com A.A. 39877 cali-colombia ![]() 4/23/2001
4/22/2001ES UNA BENDICION DE PARTE DE DIOS QUE TENGA ESTE TIPO DE PAGINAS PORQUE UNO QUE NO TIENE LOS RECURSOS PARA TENER TODO EL MATERIA PUEDA TOMARLO DE ESTA DIRECCION Y ESPERO QUE DIOS LES SIGA BENDICIENDO Y QUIERO DECIRLES QUE AQUI EN CD. VICTORIA TAMAULIPAS MEXICO USTEDES HAN SIDO UNA FUENTE DE BENDICION, NO NADAMAS EN NUESTRA IGLESIA GOD BLESSYOU It is a blessing from God himself to have these kind of pages for one who doesn't have the resources to have all the published material you can have a lot through your site. I hope that God keeps blessing us and I want to tell you all that you have been a fountain of blessings for us here in Victoria Tamaulipas City, Mexico and we just keep baptizing everyone in our church God Bless You ![]()
From: brandon
4/21/2001yo this site helped me earn my advancements and on my site u r on my links page in large letters from outpost 175 ![]()
From: Jim Carter & Bob Sederwall
4/21/2001DJ Since we chatted at National Rendezvous I have built my patch website http://www.rrpatch.com/ Please provide any comments and eligibility for a lantern award Jim Carter ![]()
From: Jim Shank
4/19/2001Love it! Can you obtain the most current facts about the GMA world wide? How many have been given out? When was the first issued? How many countries have Ranger outposts? Etc. We are presenting our first GMA this next weekend and I cannot find any of these facts anywhere. Thanks for your help and effort. This websight is a terrific resource. May our God Bless you! - Jim Shank, Senior Commander, Outpost 211, North Texas District ![]()
From: Bobby Bainter
4/18/2001Hi, my name is Bobby Bainter i live in warwick rhode island and i am in the royal rangers i like this website because because it has everything you need to know about the royal rangers.i come here for all my resources. thank you please write back GOD BLESS YOU! ![]()
From: paul knight
4/17/2001I am new to the Fresno California area. 3 years ago my son was a Buckaroo in another city. We want to find an outpost near our area. Where can I find a list of churches that have a RR program? I thought the web site would have this info. We belong to a FourSquare church in fresno which does not have the RR program. Help us find a RR program, thanks ![]() 4/17/2001
From: Kyle Fitz, #113/Hiawatha, KS
4/17/2001I enjoy this website sooo much!!! I learned a lot and found out more about advancement in this area. I am a 16 year old Challenger in Royal Rangers. The only thing that I didn't see is being able to open an e-mail account at this web site. I think that it would be most helpful to do this. It would be very cool! Please write me as soon as possible. ![]()
From: Dean
4/16/2001Hello just looking for good RR websites, Ive just been asked to be senior commander in our brand new outpost. Need ideas from people who have established an outpost already. ![]()
From: Doug Helton
4/13/2001This is a very imformational web site. I'm taking over the starting of a new out post and having my hands full. I'll save this to my favorites so I can reference it quickly. Thanks! ![]()
From: AJ Yokley
4/13/2001Hello my name is AJ Yokley and I have been asked by my church to start a Royal Rangers Program. I am more then happy to do it but I have run into one snag. I have been trying to contact someone to get the proper papework to start a charter but I have not recieved a response. If you can help I would be very thankful. The boys of my church as well as my son are very excitied to get started. Thank you for your time ![]()
From: Javier Chevres Rivera
4/12/2001Javier Chevres Tropa 23 distrito de Puerto Rico, el website esta tremendo contiene mucha información utíl para tener ideas paras las tropas. Javier Chevres from troop 23, Puerto Rico District, Your website is tremendous and has lots of useful information and ideas for a Royal Rangers Outpost. ![]()
From: david brusich
4/12/2001this is dave brusich I am a straight arrow leader from outpost 72 in fenton mi I really enjoy your website. ![]()
From: david brusich
4/9/2001this is dave brusich I am a straight arrow leader from outpost 72 in fenton mi I really enjoy your website. ![]()
From: Benjamin Suarez
4/9/2001I think your website is one of the best I've gone into. Very informational and up to date. I've been able to get a lot of information from it. Thanks Benjamin Suarez ![]()
From: John D. Bodker II
4/8/2001As a former Royal Ranger and a GMA award holder I find this site to be top rated! Truly you are doing a 'top-notch' job representing the best ministry, foreign or domestic, that the Assemblies of God has, BAR NONE!!! -Well Done John David Bodker II Outpost 4 - Lafayette, Louisiana ![]()
From: Lorne Holler
4/6/2001Just to let you know that you are doing a job here, because this website saves us guys as the old commander quit on us before we could attend the LTC course. Which goes to us that READY means just that, READY for anything! WE thank God for you all, thanks again. ![]()
From: fbelverio
4/6/2001Hello, we love the great ranger site and visit it frequently. We were dissapionted, that the ranger chat did not work. We are rangers ourselves and have been in rangers since strait arrows. Thank You fbelverio ![]()
From: Maria
4/5/2001I really liked this website.. Do you send emails?? I really enjoyed it.. This is my first year in Royal Rangers so I found it very useful.. Thank you! God Bless, Maria McCaskill ![]()
From: Greg Sparks
4/3/2001Thanks,I love this sight. I am the Sr. Cmdr.@ Music City AG Nash. Tn. Thanks for your service to Rangers abroad,and thanks for your service to our country.I pray that we can all be used to impact this world and reach more MEN and BOYS for CHRIST. God Bless You Cmdr Greg ![]()
From: David Mendez
4/2/2001Buenas noches desde Colombia, soy el comandante mayor del destacamentos de saetas de fuego No. 47 de Cali, deseo informacion a cerca del proximo Camporama Mundial y asi mismo informacion de la organizacion en Colombia, pues estamos muy desconectados de ustedes. Quedo en espera de su respuesta. Dios les bendiga. Cordialmente, Good evening from Colombia! I am the commander of troop #47 in Cali. I would like information about the worldwide ranger program, and at the same time anything about the organization in Colombia, as we are very disconnected from you all. I'll be waiting for your response. God Bless. David Mendez. ![]()
From: mike murdaugh
4/1/2001Thanks for the resources. I have made up some award certificates if you'd like I'd share them ![]() 4/1/2001
From: Grace ELLIS
4/1/2001Hi my name is Grace. I am a Commander in the Royal Rangers in Curacoa Netherlands Antillis. God bless you ![]()
From: Herman GOILO
4/1/2001God Bless all rangers. I like this website. I from Curacao Netherlands Antillis. My name Is Herman Goilo. God bless you ![]()
From: Les Dunn
3/31/2001I love your sight I think its great i get a lot of ideas from it thank you Ranger DJ God Bless ![]()
From: Dean Tillman
3/30/2001This website is a blessing to all that visit it and a great help to RR commanders. Thanks for being there. God bless. Dean Tillman, TB/Chal Cmdr OP#62 Rocky Branch A/G, Louisiana District ![]()
From: Anthony Siete
3/29/2001Anthony Siete, So. California District Outpost #175. Thanks for all the great info. I use it at all my Trailblazer meetings. ![]()
From: Dawn Kessinger
3/29/2001This website is awesome! MY church does not currently have a Royal Rangers ministry but as I seek God and his perfect will for what direction he is leading us to reach out to the youth in our area I will be praying and gaining as much information about this program that I can. Thanks so much for this site! Any information you could give to me about how to get started would be very helpful. Thanks again and may God richly bless you in your ministry! In Christ's Love, Dawn Kessinger ![]()
From: Frank Brooks
3/29/2001We started working with Royal Rangers a few months ago.It's been slow getting started but things are starting to come together.Five of our leaders have taken the LTC and it has helped us alot to know what we're doing.Now to let you know about your websight,it's excellent!!!!!!!! I don't even know how I got your sight but it has been as helpful as anything I've come across on our computer to give ideas and general knowlege of the Royal Rangers. I'm sure you,ve spent alot of time setting this up, but I thank God for this website and I thank you also. ![]() 3/29/2001 3/29/2001 3/28/2001
From: Cord and Kim Fowler
3/26/2001What an outstanding tool you have created here with this website. My wife and I (both of us commanders) have just recently discovered this site, but already it has provided us with some great ideas for our outpost. Thanks Ranger D.J. for your great work and outstanding example to us commanders and I pray the Lord richly bless you for what you have done. Cord and Kim Fowler, Royal Ranger Commanders, Outpost 16, Heartland Conference (Christian Heritage Church, Yukon, OK) ![]()
From: Abdiel Cancel
3/26/2001Hola soy el Senior Guide de outpost 196, tremendo site es muy bueno me a ayudado a desarollarme en el ministerio, y a obtener mas meritos manten el buen trabajo DJ PALANTE ; Senior Guide Abdiel ![]()
From: John
3/25/2001HI RangerDJ! I've used this site as a resource for Royal Rangers for a few years. Now that I am in FCF, I've been looking for lots of information about skills, rope making, and outfits. I'm in NC OP 6. Thanks a lot, God Bless, and keep up the good work! John ![]()
From: Reynaldo Maldonado
3/24/2001Dios te bendiga RangerDj Este website es de verdadera Bendicion para todoslos Rangers del mundotiene informacion de mucho valor para todos nosotros.Continua hasia delante y que Dios te continue Bendiciendo. Siceramente Outpost Commander Reynaldo Maldonado ![]()
From: Scott Thorvaldson
3/24/2001This site is EXACTLY what I have been looking for. Trying to keep an outpost functioning is difficult...thank you for all the information you offer. Sr. Commander Scott Thorvaldson Outpost 43 - Lake Family Fellowship A/G Lake Oswego, OR 97035 ![]()
From: Cody
3/24/2001Hi. This website was the coolest I just started Royal Rangers 2 years ago and it is fun. I've earned my cut and chop card and my powderhorn now i am going after the bowie knife.Just wanted to check out this website my teachr Bro.Joey showed me. May God Bless You ![]() 3/24/2001
From: Cody
3/23/2001Hi. This website was the coolest I just started Royal Rangers 2 years ago and it is fun. I've earned my cut and chop card and my powderhorn now I am going after the bowie knife. Just wanted to check out this website my teacher Bro. Joey showed me. May God Bless You ![]()
From: Doug King
3/22/2001This is the best Royal Ranger site I have seen. I have used your information and enjoy just about the entire site Doug King outpost 56 Eldorado KS ![]()
3/21/2001les escribo desde argentina pertenezco al destacamento nº80 RENACER me encanta la website de los exploradores del rey como lo llamamos en argentina. les mando muchas bendiciones y que Dios los guarde. 2º comandante fernando oliva destacamento seguidores de la senda ![]()
From: Ian F. Robinson
3/21/2001Hi!!: My name is Ian Robinson, Commander for the outpost #63, San Francisco, NPLAD. I have been re-organizing our outpost here. My Senior Commander Mauricio Montoya, and Pastor Rev Luis Irrizarry have been very supportive, but with out your site I have would been in a jam. Thank you for your inspiration and ideas, I hope you don?t mind me using some of your forms, etc. If any copyrights infractions please let me know immediately at Robinsonian@hotmail.com. If you know any particular information and forms on the subject of background checks for liability purposes please let me know where I can acquire them. I will be glad to share any of the packages, newsletter for parents and forms that I have been working on, to make this a better run outpost. Your friend, Ian. ![]()
From: Reynaldo Maldonado
3/20/2001God Bless you Ranger DJ. I am the Outpost Commander of the Outpost 196,Hispanic Eastern. I live in Allentown, P.A. This is the best web site that I have seen. Continue with this because this is relly important for the children and little things like this capture their attention. God bless you, Reynaldo! ![]() 3/20/2001
From: Sammy Martinez/#65/NPLAD
3/20/2001My name is Sammy Martinez and I like what you have done with the rangers web page and hope to see more in the future. Stay in His will and God Bless You In His Love Sammy Martinez A.K.A (SHORT-D.O.G) ![]()
From: timothy s tuten
3/19/2001Hi, we have just started this program at our church. I have three boys who will be involved. I would like to know all I can about being the best leader I can be. ![]()
From: Rafael Caba
3/19/2001The website provides very good information on so many topics in the Royal Rangers, My name is Rafael Caba from the Spanish Eastern District. Personally this website has given me ideas and ways to improve my job as a senior commander. ![]()
From: Bryce Schuenke, Outpost #65/ Minnesota
3/18/2001Thanks, this website is great. It has everything that you need to know about Royal Rangers and other great tools for a Royal Ranger to use. ![]()
From: David sutton op. 147 s.e.dist.
3/18/2001Hello DJ, Found this site on 3/17, feel I will be visting it quite offten , you have done great job on it, your dedication to the Royal Rangers program is an inspiration to myself and others as well. I'm a OP sr cmdr, and I am always looking for help and I believe I have found a great resource. Thank you and may God hold you in his hand thank you again. I.H.S. sr. cmdr. David OP 147 S. England District Southwick Mass. ![]()
From: ivan foo malacca outpost #1
3/17/2001Hi there! Just went thru' your website and found it to be interesting, fun and informative. Keep up the good work! May God bless you all ways and always.Praise be to God for He is the Master Ranger! ![]()
From: Steven Killfoil
3/17/2001I absolutly enjoy your web site and freqent it alot. I want to build one here in Texas because I think more Commanders could benefit from it. ![]()
3/17/2001Hi I'm gustavo. commander SS,Outpost No.12 from Barranquilla-Colombia, my Church is name Centro Biblico Internacional(Asamblies of God)... I want to invite me to your Outpost. Congratulations for excelent WEB PAGE,,, GOD BLESS YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU AMERICA ![]() 3/17/2001 3/16/2001 3/14/2001 3/14/2001
From: David Green
3/14/2001Hi, My name is David Green, I'm from outpost 26. I think this is a really cool website. ![]()
From: Wayne Jenkins
3/13/2001I just wanted to say thank you for providing such a great web site for Rangers. I am so pleased with the new Ranger Bucks they look so good and I know there is no way the boys can make copies of them. Keep up the good work and may God bless you and your family. Your friend in Christ, ![]()
From: adam juarez
3/13/2001God bless you guys,this website is totally cool as a commander this is a great way to prerare my outpost meeting in Toppenish, Wa Outpost 125 THANK YOU. ![]()
From: Shawn Kabza
3/13/2001Hey My name is Shawn Kabza and in the and I am in the Trailblazers district #26 and was wondering if you have any ideas how we can make some money for theout post. My commanders name is Commander Adels he is very nice and works very hard for the outpost so please email me back a.s.a.p. at shawnkabza47@hotmail.com and by the way this website rocks!!!!!!!! ![]()
From: Sokrat Apostolovski
3/13/2001Please add our national website to your listings - Royal Rangers Macedonia (in Eastern Europe: www.royalrangersmacedonia.homestead.com ![]()
From: David Christensen
3/13/2001This is the Grizzly from Wisconsinn and I think your work here is pretty awesome. I'll be passing it on to my Outpost 22 in Kenosha. ![]()
From: Jose Coy
3/13/2001I think that the Royal Ranger Web Site is great. It helped me find more info about the R.R. and learn more about it. I'm a Challenger and this web site helps me and gives me great ideas on how to make my outpost a better one. I love my fellow rangers because were all in this program for one purpose and thats to serve the Lord Jesus. God Bless you. Jose Coy Outpost 460 District San Fernando Iglesia Iberoamerica Del Valle Lancaster CA ![]()
From: adam juarez
3/12/2001God bless you guys,this website is totally cool as a commander this is a great way to prerare my outpost meeting in Toppenish, Wa Outpost 125 THANK YOU. ![]()
From: John Joseph benJohn
3/12/2001Like your site!! I'm a new Commander, reviving Outpost 131 at Mountaintop Church in Budd Lake, New Jersey. Glad I found your info online. God Bless, ![]()
From: G. Don Murry
3/11/2001Got on your site to check out the Royal Ranger info, really great site. We are just beginning an outpost, at present I am the Pioneer Commander, but in a few months will become the Outpost Commander. Please pray for wisdom, patience, and a loving spirit for me with the kids. I see you were in the Navy, I was also. First Class ET, served 1966 to 1972. Mostly in the SOSUS program and lastly on the USS Allen M. Sumner DD692. I will be using your website for many ideas and clip arts, thank you for creating it, it will make my job a lot easier. Yours in Christ G. Don Murry ![]()
From: Rev. Alton Darrell Everson
3/10/2001I have recently been promoted in my duties within the CH Holiness group and I attend church at christian heritage in graniteville sc. I am thankful to have found this site. It has a wealth of information to help in getting the ranger ministry help in areas of the southeast that i cannot get to yet. THANKS MAY GOD BLESS YOUR EFFORTS. ![]()
From: Dirk Sprenger
3/10/2001I really liked reading your resume. I need plans for a pinewood derby track. IPH Outpost 26, Cornerstone Conf. Commander Dusty Hillsborough NC ![]()
From: Lorne Holler
3/10/2001As a future RR leader, I think this is a great site thank you. Lorne Holler op#171 ![]()
From: Tom Ricks
3/8/2001I have loved this website for a long time. I believe this is the best Ranger site. I sent coments to you a couple of years ago telling about myself. I am in the Air Force and joked about the Navy. Well, I now have a couple Navy folks in our outpost and I have learned to appreciate them. I am the Senior Commander now and have learned that good help is from the Lord. Thnk God for the Navy. Tom :-) ![]()
From: Cesar Jimenez Herrera
3/8/2001hi. My name is Cesar. I'm from mexico, but now live in Bonita Spring FL. In Mexico I was worked with the Royal Ranger (exploradores del rey) but in mexico did not have material for work. I want to know if your have material in spanish or english that you can send me. ![]() 3/7/2001 3/7/2001
From: Rick Bernheisel
3/7/2001I am a new commander coming from CEA (Christian Evangelical Assemblies). I was saved ten years ago. However, my job transfer has me involved in AOG Church and Royal Rangers. Great site for me to come get some information. Thanks for all your hard work. God Bless. Rick Bernheisel - Outpost 57 - Collierville, TN - Memphis District ![]()
From: rodney gallimore
3/7/2001This site is the Royal Rangers gospels! It's a wondersul blessing and helps to the whole Staff and Boys Ministrys. God blss you all! Rod Gallimore OP 54 (Ready) ![]()
From: Mark Bailey
3/7/2001Your web site is one of the most awesome resources, second only to the Lord & His Word, for planning my classes. Keep up the good work. Thanks for calling me and helping me get the Ranger Bucks thing straightened out. It was an honor to have you call. God Bless ![]()
From: Ray Jenkins
3/5/2001Hello there Bro.Just wanted to say that i love your web site and what it stands for.I am a Commander at Faith Tabernacle in Florence Al.our outpost is # 29.TVW is the District,Keep up the good work and god will bless you richly,God Bless The Rangers,,,Yours in Christ..Ray.. ![]()
From: Joseph Otero - Senior Commander OP 89
3/4/2001This Website is one the best tools I have in working with my outpost. We recently created our church website and have you linked to make it easy for our boys and others. Keep up the GREAT work ![]() 3/4/2001
From: Carl Gomez
3/4/2001I'm from the best outpost, 204, in the Southern Pacific District. I really love this website. It is the bomb. I always come here to get help in my advancements and to get ideas for everything there is to know about Royal Rangers. This is a very good site. Keep up the good work!!!!!!! ![]()
From: Andy Grant
3/3/2001Andy Grant, Outpost 54, Cornerstone District here in High Point N.C. You have a great wed site....thanks so much for your time and effort on this...it has truly been a blessing. I will definitly add this to my "Favorites" list. God Bless and keep you. Commander Andy(Texas Pete)Grant "Buckaroos" ![]() 3/2/2001 3/2/2001
From: John L. Coffey
3/2/2001I just want to say thank you and also to let you know that the Lord has given you a gift. The games and the devotions I have are the ones I have down loaded to have fun with the boys in my outpost. I am the Senior Commander of Outpost #6 in Cheyenne Wyoming. ![]()
From: Nelson Sambo
2/27/2001thank you for Royal Rangers Website I like it very much. it is a good gids line for information about all what you need.I am a Royal Rangers leader Outpost 2/Koral Specht from Curacao N.A. God bless you all good work. ![]()
From: Christopher A. Goins
2/27/2001I love your website. It has tons of valuable assets for the Royal Rangers Ministry of any church. Lots of Love and Godspeed. Rev. Christopher A. Goins, Outpost Commander, Outpost 103, Midland, Tx.(West Texas District) ![]()
From: David Dwyer
2/27/2001Great website!!! Very user-friendly. Thank you for your hardwork and time on putting this together. God Bless you richly! ![]()
From: Bill Jaramillo
2/23/2001Great site. I find it very useful and full of ideas and the links have helped me as a commander get information that I use weekly. Thank you and be blessed. ![]()
From: Stanley E. Botts
2/22/2001I appreciate the professional Royal Rangers website. This will help our Outpost launch into the 21st Century. I need information on the March 12-18 National RR Commanders Conference. Thanks. Stanley E. Botts, Sr. Outpost #377, Oklahoma District ![]()
From: blank
2/20/2001Me encanta la presentacion al inicio, la veo a cada rato en el historial. Baje unos Protectores de pantalla, pero me estan dando algunos problemas traban maquina, libre de eso estan super. BENDICIONES! ![]()
From: blank
2/19/2001Very good!! The PH Church has needed this for a long time. The Royal Ranger Outpost is one strongest Departments in our church. This website is one of the resons why. To God be the glory!!! ![]()
From: Jeff Kersey
2/19/2001Greetings, I use your website regularly and encourage others to as well in our LTC classes. Would like to ask you to link our FCF web pages please. www.royalrangers.net/ntd/fcf. We are the North Texas District and Shawnee Trail Chapter. I serve as FCF Vice President. THank you for all the work you have put into your site. ![]()
From: Rodney Brumbelow
2/13/2001I am a senior commander at a brand new outpost. I have found this site to be a great help for information and ideas. Thank you. Rodney Brumbelow, Heritage Assembly of God, Wichita Falls, Texas, North Texas District, waiting on Outpost number ![]()
From: nankos@aol.com
2/12/2001I am for the first year running our church's Royal Ranger group and if it wasn't for your site and getting so much Help I would really be lost. Thanks for a great website! ![]()
From: Fred Drye
2/11/2001Hi,I'm Cmdr. Drye of Outpost 125 in Gardena, Ca. ( Southern Ca. ) and I go through your web site all the time. I also tell others about it. I think it's great. ![]()
From: Sebastian Sieber
2/9/2001I must say you have a really great RR homepage!! I`ve never seen such a well structured and interesting site before! Be blessed! Many greetings from Germany! ![]()
From: cody hardy
2/8/2001I loved your site,especially the "You might be a ranger if..." section. Im from outpost 40 in tulsa, ok,district 5 ![]()
From: Bobby Allen
2/6/2001Hi my name is Bobby Allen and I'm a Royal Ranger leader in training and I really enjoy this website and I'm from Outpost 98 in Northwest Louisiana District. I think that this a really good site for boys and leaders too. I praise God for this website and it is really helpful too. ![]()
From: J.D. Garza
2/3/2001Ypu are awesome. Thanks for your dedication and tome that you have put in to this. I pray that God Blesses you abundantly. Jr.Com. J.D. Garza II South TX Dist Outpost 107 ![]()
From: Larryh
2/2/2001Its a great site, I like the info on the pinederby cars. Happy to know there are still people like you in the world, keep up the good work, the parents and kids will love you for it. Thanks for being here. ![]()
From: Bill Loudermilk
2/1/2001My name is Bill Loudermilk. I am an assistant commander for our troop 205 in Wichita, Kansas. We have an average of 12 boys and building. Thanks for this great sitte of info, ideas and graphics, they are a great help. ![]()
From: kamccarty@hotmail.com
1/30/2001I really enjoy your website. I am a Commander in the Straight Arrows group at my local church. This is a very big church with hundreds of people. ![]()
From: Joe "Sharp Iron" Landers
1/30/2001Your site is fantastic. Thank you for providing this vital resource to further our ministry. I have been using your site for a few years and just heard you were the Ranger DJ. I remember you from NWAG O.P. 67. ![]()
1/28/2001THIS IS an awesome web sight and it is now listed as one of my favorite web sights!!!! Thanks for doing such a great job and ministry for our Master Ranger and we his servants!!! ![]()
From: Donald Wilson
1/27/2001Hello, My name is Donald Wilson I'm the Senior Commander of our new Royal Ranger group. We are two months old and all the leaders are still in training. I can only think of one thing to say about your web page. AWESOME! Keep it up. ![]()
From: John Wells
1/27/2001Great resource! Will encourage boys, parents, and of course commanders to use it! John Wells, 105 NC District. ![]()
From: joshuavan@juno.com
1/26/2001I think you have provided the most outstanding and useful tool on the net to those who work in the RR ministry. God bless you and keep you. ![]() 1/24/2001
From: Charles F. Myers
1/23/2001Thank you for the hard work in preparing this site. Having this great information at my fingertips takes being a Commander to the next level. Charles F. Myers, Senior Commander, Outpost 72, (Eastern Virginia Conference, Pentacostal Holiness Church), Richmond, VA ![]()
From: Johnny Gomez
1/22/2001Thanks Commander DJ, I have just been appointed Senior Commander of Gergia OP #91, and am using your resourses every week. Thanks Johnny Gomez, Senior Commander/Childrens Pastor, Faith A/G Warner Robins GA ![]()
From: Andy Banda
1/18/2001Sectional commander Andy Banda from Gulf Latin District in Corpus Christi, Outpost #27. Awesome site! God has instiled a great hope and reference for our boys through this site. Keep up the great work through God's grace. Sincerely your bro in Christ ![]()
From: Luis
1/17/2001Hi my name is Luis Arce from the South east Spanish outpost 91.I'm very impress with all the work you had done praise the lord.Its fantastic to have all this tools availible to us. Thank and God blees you. ![]()
From: Steve Killfoil
1/17/2001I love your website and have the CD as well. You have helped me build my outpost a great deal. Thankyou Ranger DJ. Steve Killfoil Outpost 176, Corpus Christi, South Texas. ![]()
From: Tim Murphy
1/15/2001thank you for your prompt reply on our question concerning the conservation pledge. It would be most helpful to post that page on the nature merit link. My boys love RA and thanks again for your endeavors...God Bless You Sir, ![]()
From: David Sosa
1/15/2001Your website is fantastic!! I'm new to royal rangers and I've been looking for websites that tell me more about RR and this one is alot of websites in one. Good job and keep doing what your doing and that may God bless greatly for your. ![]()
From: Tim
1/15/2001Thank you ...your site is so much help. I have used it off and on for two years. I am currently helping my son work on the nature merit. ![]()
From: Ricky
12/12/2000Hi, really enjoyed this site, really neat!! I can tell you spent some time on it. I will definatly visit again. Could you tell us where to find directions to build a track? Ricky, Pioneer, Pen-Del District. ![]()
From: Andy Ross
12/1/2000Cool website, a definite must to start your search for Rangers o the web. Keep up the great work. Andy Ross Outpost 128/ Southern New England District ![]()
From: Ad
12/1/2000Hello from Finland. Great site. I didn't have time to see much, but what I saw was waesome. The design is incredible, and filled with RR stuff, not just this and that here and tyhere, as at some RR sites, but in quite an order. ![]()
From: Praise@hamptonroads.com
11/27/2000I greatly appreicate your website, thank you for you dedication to the Royal Ranger Program and God. I recently became involved with the program and received a lot of wonderful ideas from your website. Thank you and Praise God Almighty ![]()
From: Terry Campbell
11/7/2000Great web site. Could I use the turning cross as part of my web page for my Royal Ranger group outpost 11 Great Falls MT? And could I also use the links for your salvation pages on my site this would be great help as not having to reinvent the wheel. Im the FCF President in Montana and have watched your page grow its neat. God Bless ![]()
From: Bill Smith
10/25/2000Hi! You have done a beautiful job on these web pages. Alot of hard planning and hard work. Good work! Bill Smith ****** Commander, Outpost 268 ![]()
From: Curt Curtis
10/23/2000Hello, I am a ScoutMaster in the Boy Scouts and I really enjoy your website. You have helped me too be able to explain alot of things to my young men in my troop. Thank You again and may God Bless You!!!! Curt Curtis, ScoutMaster Troop #78 Bernie, Mo. ![]()
From: billandchristy
10/19/2000DJ, I use your website on at least a monthly basis to get ideas for skits, games, devotions, and of course clipart. By the way, could you put out some more clipart? I really love your site. Keep up the good work and God bless you, your family, and the boys that you lead in your Royal Ranger outpost. ![]()
From: Mike Owen
10/18/2000great site. I really appreciate you hosting this info. We are starting a new church here in Colorado Springs and will be starting a Royal Ranger ministry the beginning of Nov. Next Sunday we will be introducing Rangers to the congregation and want to put some info in their hands. I've heard you have a lot of info and I was planning on downloading what I can. May the Lord bless you! ![]()
From: Nelson
10/15/2000Awesome brother. You are truly blessed. Continue the victory and I'll be praying for this web page ministry. Commander Nelson from Outpost 52 in Brooklyn, New York. ![]()
From: Tom Smith
Praise God for your dedication to the Royal Rangers Web Site. I am very impressed, with your completeness of the Royal Rangers program. I've been in the Royal Rangers for the past (15) years, & still find it, not only exciting, but very rewarding to God's Kingdom. At presant I am helping a small church with the program. We have about (8) to (12) boys each wednesday. ( Straight Arrows to Trailblazers. ) Do you have any additional CD's, &/or, later information ? My aim is to get the latest, & put it on my computer, for the Outposts benefit. Again THANK YOU for your completeness, of the Royal Rangers program. Your Friend in Christ ![]() |