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Submit your own "You know your a Ranger if..."

It rains on every camp that you go on 
Submitted by: Leah Crockett    Junior Leader
Outpost #52,  Shire-West Australia District

Your wife and oldest daughter have completed the Leadership training course 
Submitted by: Dawn Wieneke    Lt. Commander
Outpost #114,  First Assembly of God Illinois District

Your daughters attend more Ranger functions than Missionette functions. 
Submitted by: Dawn Wieneke    Lt. Commander
Outpost #114,  Carlinville First Assembly of God Illinois District

Submitted by: Justin ROSE    Trailblazer
Outpost #90,  HOLLEY ASSEMBLY OF GOD West Florida District

Your fiancee says, "Are we ready to get married?" and you say, "Ready, ready for ANYTHING!" 
Submitted by: Rich Di Giacomo    Outpost Commander
Outpost #96,  Southbay Christian Center Northern California-Nevada District

You have GPH number one on your speed dial. 
Submitted by: Eduardo Rodriguez    Lt. Commander
Outpost #235,  Erie Shores A/G Ohio District

You try to cremate your desceased cat using flint & steel. 
Submitted by: Eduardo Rodriguez    Lt. Commander
Outpost #235,  Erie Shores A/G Ohio District

Your married to a Missionette Leader.  
Submitted by: Christopher Brouns    Outpost Commander
Outpost #52,  Gateway Community Northern California-Nevada District

You cannot go one day without shouting out the Rangers pledge in your backyard. 
Submitted by: Loh chang xiang    Trailblazer
Outpost #1,  Bethel assembly of god Singapore District

If you have Senior Guide marring a Stick.  
Submitted by: Michael Casanova    Trailblazer
Outpost #4,  Ahwettukee Assembly of God Arizona District

If your sister can only date guys with their GMA!  
Submitted by: John Jorgensen    Trailblazer
Outpost #79,  valley fellowship church Alabama District

You have ever pushed a tractor out of the mud at a pow wow. 
Submitted by: James Hatcher    Lt. Commander
Outpost #309,  Bayway A/G South Texas District

You have ever pushed a tractor out of the mud at a pow wow. 
Submitted by: James Hatcher    Lt. Commander
Outpost #309,  Bayway A/G South Texas District

You have ever pushed a church van out of the mud at a pow wow 
Submitted by: James Hatcher    Lt. Commander
Outpost #309,  Bayway A/G South Texas District

Your whole wardrobe is Kackie 
Submitted by: James Hatcher    Lt. Commander
Outpost #309,  Bayway A/G South Texas District

You can start a fire with a piece of ice. 
Submitted by: James Hatcher    Lt. Commander
Outpost #309,  Bayway A/G South Texas District

...you start earning Missionette badges because you've run out of Ranger awards. 
Submitted by: Jim Baber    Outpost Commander
Outpost #3,  First A/G South Carolina District

Hang the Royal Ranger Flag with the American Flag on your house. 
Submitted by: David Huckabay Jr.    Outpost Commander
Outpost #309,  Gateway Christian Life Church Northern California-Nevada District

The vehicle you're most familiar with is the church van. 
Submitted by: Sean Munsell    Junior Leader
Outpost #33,  Windham Cornerstone AG Northern New England District

your only dress suit is a royal rangers uniform 
Submitted by: trent reynolds    Pioneer
Outpost #334,  westminster church of god Potomac District

You can tie a taut-line hitch on your kitchen table leg in 30 seconds or less.... Your wife can do it in less than a minute. 
Submitted by: James Humphreys    Outpost Commander
Outpost #33,  Kingston Assembly of God Tennessee District

If your daughter can only date guys with their GMA!!! 
Submitted by: Jimmy Sill    Outpost Council
Outpost #326,  Lufkin First A/G North Texas District

...if you LASH on your newborn's diaper instead of using pins or disposable ones. 
Submitted by: anthony brandi    Outpost Commander
Outpost #164,  Victory Full Gospel  New York District

Your wife sees road kill and thinks about what it can be traded for at Pow-Wow 
Submitted by: Bill Mapes    Senior Commander
Outpost #117,  Cross of Calvary A/G Tennessee District

Your wife sees road kill and wonders what you can get for trading the skin at Pow-Wow 
Submitted by: Bill Mapes    Senior Commander
Outpost #117,  Cross of Calvary A/G Tennessee District

Submitted by: simon"nightwolf"zablah    Junior Leader
Outpost #270,  centro cristiano victoria Peninsular Florida District

if your girlfriend calls you "jr commander" 
Submitted by: simon"nightwolf"zablah    Junior Leader
Outpost #270,  C. C.V. Peninsular Florida District

You have at least one Royal Ranger sticker on each vehicle in your driveway. 
Submitted by: Bill Mapes    Senior Commander
Outpost #117,  Cross of Calvary Assembly of God Tennessee District

You stay at your church until midnight working on advancements. 
Submitted by: Robert Richardson    Pioneer
Outpost #2,  Lakeview Christian Center Indiana District

Every time you go to a FCF outing your neighbors ask if you are moving. 
Submitted by: Billy Koch    Lt. Commander
Outpost #207,  T.F.T Arkansas District

Your mom comes home and she is shocked your room clean, then she remembers you went camping 
Submitted by: Billy Koch    Lt. Commander
Outpost #207,  T.F.T Arkansas District

If you sleep in your sleeping bag at home 
Submitted by: Billy Koch    Lt. Commander
Outpost #207,  T.F.T. Arkansas District

Your arms are permaneately frozen in the 'Attention' position 
Submitted by: Aaron Chappell    Challenger
Outpost #68,  Brandon Assembly Not Listed District

you have ever had to start a fire in the rain 
Submitted by: Michael Jones    Junior Leader
Outpost #25,  Spirit and Truth Worship Center None District

The only musical instrument you can play is the blowhorn. 
Submitted by: John Elias    Trailblazer
Outpost #48,  Cornerstone Assembly of God S. Idaho District

You are part of a Bob Cat patrol in NTC, & get lost for 7.1 miles! 
Submitted by: Chuck Garcia    Senior Commander
Outpost #69,  Valley Bible fellowship Southern California District

...you keep bringing a laptop after you got your Computer Science merit and the rest of your outpost finds out how useful a computer actually is! (especially when working toward the new "Communications" merit) 
Submitted by: Aaron Kirschman    Challenger
Outpost #227,  Shrewsbury Assembly of God Penn.-Del. District

...you are making a webpage for your outpost just for a merit. 
Submitted by: Aaron Kirschman    Challenger
Outpost #227,  Shrewsbury Assembly of God Penn.-Del. District

you recite the Ranger code to your wife as part of your wedding vows. 
Submitted by: Randy Edwards    Outpost Commander
Outpost #54,  Hernando 1ST A/G Mississippi District

Your Wife asks you what you can trade the skin of the road kill you just passed for at Pow Wow. 
Submitted by: Bill Mapes    Senior Commander
Outpost #117,  Cross of Calvary Assembly of God Tennessee District

Submitted by: WILLIAM PARKER    Outpost Commander
Outpost #250,  LIFE TABERNACLE A/G North Texas District

Submitted by: Aaron Kozak    Trailblazer
Outpost #34,  First A/G, Marcy New York District

You wear your Royal Ranger uniform instead of a tuxedo on the day of your wedding. 
Submitted by: Benjamin    Outpost Council
Outpost #80,  Calvary Span. Pent. Church Spanish Eastern District

you spent most of your younger years in Royal Rangers and in turn, are teaching in the program. 
Submitted by: Tracey Tillery    Lt. Commander
Outpost #326,  Muskogee Lighthouse A/G Oklahoma District

You call your commander dad 
Submitted by: Mark Musquiz    Trailblazer
Outpost #72,  Crossroads of Life AG North Texas District

You'd rather sleep in a bed roll then your bed 
Submitted by: Mark Musquiz    Trailblazer
Outpost #72,  Crossroads of Life AG North Texas District

IF you count Royal Ranger emblems in your sleep instead of sheeps! 
Submitted by: Juan Carlos Nunez    Senior Commander
Outpost #132,  Mount Calvary Spanish Eastern District

you wake up to the sound of your commander snoring and you think it's a chain-saw instead. 
Submitted by: Bethany Gustafson    Junior Leader
Outpost #195,  Christus Zentrum Neuwied Deutschland District

you're capable of setting up a campsite for two hundred in an hour. 
Submitted by: Bethany Gustafson    Junior Leader
Outpost #195,  Christus Zentrum Neuwied Deutschland District

you spend more time camping than living in your on house. 
Submitted by: Jerry Newman    Challenger
Outpost #17,  Colonial Heights Assembly of God Potomac District

Your senior commander makes you scream "Amen" so that the wole sanctuary can hear you. 
Submitted by: jason newman    Challenger
Outpost #17,  Colonial Heights Assembly of God Potomac District

If you can move your camp site 3 times in 4 hours three miles in the dark. In the middle of a flood season. Outpost # 236 Did This.  
Submitted by: Steven Kroon    Junior Leader
Outpost #236,  Marantha Church Of God Potomac District

When you go to the dentist you ask for his cut and chop card. 
Submitted by: Ryan Yoder    Pioneer
Outpost #33,  First Assembly of God Kentucky District

Your only piece of luggage is a backpack. Trash picking become second nature. 
Submitted by: Com. Bob Carlino    Outpost Commander
Outpost #63,  Vineland-Full Gospel  New Jersey District

your room is 100% royal ranger as well as you  
Submitted by: Raymond Del Toro    Trailblazer
Outpost #22,  Western Heights  New Mexico District

You join an FCF team for the billy cart derby at State Muster, and get the fastest time 
Submitted by: John Shadlow    Lt. Commander
Outpost #52,  Menai Australia District

You push walls over. After finishing the National Training Camp. 
Submitted by: John Shadlow    Lt. Commander
Outpost #52,  Shire West Christian Centre Australia Menai District

You decide to skin your diseased cat for the knife sheath on your fcf outfit, and/or the dog to make the special hat 
Submitted by: Jake    Challenger
Outpost #79,  Fleming A/G Rocky Mountain District

You really are trying to be with Chirst there in the heaven. You might be a Royal Ranger if you are really interested about teaching children, If you really try you`ll learn that you are a good leader in or out from church . By: Edgar Aguilar  
Submitted by: Edgar Aguilar    Challenger
Outpost #22,  Roca Eterna None District

You have removed your license plate upon arriving at church so you can do a devotion.  
Submitted by: Joel Anderson    Outpost Commander
Outpost #98,  Good News Assembly of God Minnesota District

Submitted by: BRAVEHEART    Junior Leader
Outpost #30,  EMMANUEL BAPTIST S.E. Spanish District

you go to a resturant after a campout in your f.c.f. outfit. 
Submitted by: braveheart    Junior Leader
Outpost #30,  EMMANUEL BAPTIST S.E. Spanish District

...you spend more time sleeping in a tent do u do ur own bed. 
Submitted by: braveheart    Junior Leader
Outpost #30,  EMMANUEL BAPTIST S.E. Spanish District

Submitted by: vern gelser    Senior Commander
Outpost #184,  FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD ZEPHYRHILLS Peninsular Florida District

you use Coleman Lantern Fuel for cologne  
Submitted by: William C. Weicht III    Straight Arrow
Outpost #145,  Ash Grove Assembly Of God Southern Missouri District

you decide to whip the ends of your shoelaces. 
Submitted by: Caleb    Trailblazer
Outpost #307,  Valley Harvest Church Ohio District

you enjoy starting your grill with flint and steel 
Submitted by: Caleb White    Trailblazer
Outpost #307,  Valley Harvest Church Ohio District

Your FCF stuff fills one garage while your wife's car sits in the rain. 
Submitted by: Tim Fichtner    Challenger
Outpost #277,  New Life Penn.-Del. District

All your silverware locks together in sets of three 
Submitted by: Tim Fichtner    Outpost Commander
Outpost #277,  New Life Penn.-Del. District

You can find edible foods under a 2' snow, but you can't find 2% in the Dairy Case.  
Submitted by: Tim Fichtner    Outpost Commander
Outpost #277,  New Life Penn.-Del. District

When your wife asks you to make your bed, you head for the woods with an axe. 
Submitted by: Tim Fichtner    Outpost Commander
Outpost #277,  New Life Ohio District

Your Dop kit includes earplugs and IvyDry. 
Submitted by: Tim Fichtner    Outpost Commander
Outpost #277,  New Life Penn.-Del. District

The waist-band of your long-johns are printed with delicate Ranger symbols 
Submitted by: Tim FIchtner    Outpost Commander
Outpost #277,  New Life Penn.-Del. District

you enjoy starting your B.B.Q grill with flint and steel 
Submitted by: Caleb White    Trailblazer
Outpost #307,  Valley Harvest Church Ohio District

all your friends are braging on how many seconds their car can do the 0-60, and you brag on how many seconds it takes you to get a flint and steel fire going 
Submitted by: Caleb White    Trailblazer
Outpost #307,  Valley Harvest Church Ohio District

you can recite the ranger code backwards in 3.4 seconds 
Submitted by: Caleb White    Trailblazer
Outpost #307,  Valley Harvest Church Ohio District

90 percent of the furniture in your house is lashed together 
Submitted by: Caleb White    Trailblazer
Outpost #307,  Valley Harvest Church Ohio District

you go to get your senior pictures taken and you take your F.C.F outfit (tomahawk and all) 
Submitted by: Caleb White    Trailblazer
Outpost #307,  Valley Harvest Church Ohio District

You wear your uniform to your wedding. 
Submitted by: Jacob Koppel    Trailblazer
Outpost #15,  Calvary Assembly of God Indiana District

You sit all day and widdle a stick into a pinewood derby car 
Submitted by: Jacob Koppel    Trailblazer
Outpost #15,  Calvary Assembly of God Indiana District

you pitch your tent in your room 
Submitted by: Jacob Koppel    Trailblazer
Outpost #15,  Calvary Assembly of God Indiana District

you wear your shoe laces around your neck with your favorite knots. 
Submitted by: Eddie Castro    Challenger
Outpost #25,  The Glory of God S.E. Spanish District

You wake up in the middle of the night, notice your gear is floating in 3 inches of water, then roll over and go back to sleep. 
Submitted by: Pedro Benitez    Lt. Commander
Outpost #204,  New Life Assembly of God Kansas District

You own stock in GPH  
Submitted by: Michael Kincheloe    Junior Leader
Outpost #53,  Radiant Life A.G. Northern Missouri District

Your favorite memory involves a campfire and bug spray.  
Submitted by: Mickael Kincheloe    Junior Leader
Outpost #53,  Radiant Life A.G. Northern Missouri District

You wake up in the middle of the night not hugging your pillow, but your Royal Ranger Uniform!! 
Submitted by: John Lee    Pioneer
Outpost #17,  Colonial Heights Assembly of God Potomac District

You make hunters stew in your fireplace on a regular basis. 
Submitted by: John Bender    Lt. Commander
Outpost #201,  Faith A/G Penn.-Del. District

You wife woders if you own any clothing that does not have a royal Ranger emblem on it. 
Submitted by: John Bender    Lt. Commander
Outpost #201,  Faith A/G Penn.-Del. District

You have to pack up half your living room decorations, or kitchen utencils to go to trace or Rendezvous. 
Submitted by: John Bender    Lt. Commander
Outpost #201,  Faith A/G Penn.-Del. District

You own a pickup just to get your equiptment to camp. 
Submitted by: John Bender    Lt. Commander
Outpost #201,  Faith A/G Penn.-Del. District

You own a horse trailer, and never had a horse. 
Submitted by: John Bender    Lt. Commander
Outpost #201,  Faith A/G Penn.-Del. District

You look at your wife's cat and think it would make a great FCF hat. 
Submitted by: John Bender    Lt. Commander
Outpost #201,  Faith A/G Penn.-Del. District

When your Wife can quote the Ranger motto when she hears "Ready" mentioned. 
Submitted by: John Bender    Lt. Commander
Outpost #201,  Faith A/G Penn.-Del. District

When your pastor always looks at you with the fear of the unknown in his eyes on a Ranger night. 
Submitted by: John Bender    Lt. Commander
Outpost #201,  Faith A/G Penn.-Del. District

When your house walls are decorated with pictures of pathfinder trips, ranger awards, and certificates. 
Submitted by: John Bender    Lt. Commander
Outpost #201,  Faith A/G Penn.-Del. District

You have enough pine wood derby ribbons to cover a wall. 
Submitted by: John Bender    Lt. Commander
Outpost #201,  Faith A/G Penn.-Del. District

Your wife confiscates your good FCF cast Iron for the kitchen. 
Submitted by: John Bender    Lt. Commander
Outpost #201,  Faith A/G Penn.-Del. District

You find a sale on candles, and get excited, even though you already have enough for 10 men for 100 years of rendezvous ! 
Submitted by: John Bender    Lt. Commander
Outpost #201,  Faith A/G Penn.-Del. District

You own more Khaki uniforms than suit jackets 
Submitted by: John Bender    Lt. Commander
Outpost #201,  Faith A/G Penn.-Del. District

When Fred Deaver as senior guide is an re-occuring nightmare ! 
Submitted by: John Bender    Lt. Commander
Outpost #201,  Faith A/G Penn.-Del. District

You can tie your knots blindfolded, behind your back, or in the dark. 
Submitted by: John Bender    Lt. Commander
Outpost #201,  Faith A/G Penn.-Del. District

When asked about why you teach boys how to burn down a church with one match, you inform them that a good Ranger doesn't even need a match. 
Submitted by: John Bender    Lt. Commander
Outpost #201,  Faith A/G Penn.-Del. District

When you can cook all meals at a camp in your mountain pie irons. 
Submitted by: John Bender    Lt. Commander
Outpost #201,  Faith A/G Penn.-Del. District

you've ever caught the neighbors cat in your practice snares. 
Submitted by: John Bender    Lt. Commander
Outpost #201,  Faith A/G Penn.-Del. District

you have more outing patches than can be worn on an ankle length awards vest. 
Submitted by: John Bender    Lt. Commander
Outpost #201,  Faith A/G Penn.-Del. District

When adults in your church call you commander rather than by your real name. (because that's what the kids all call you, and most of them may not even know you have a real first name) 
Submitted by: John Bender    Lt. Commander
Outpost #201,  Faith A/G Penn.-Del. District

You have a 6' cleared area and fire ring in your yard. 
Submitted by: John Bender    Lt. Commander
Outpost #201,  Faith A/G Penn.-Del. District

You get yelled at for pitching your wet FCF tent in the front yard to dry it out. 
Submitted by: John Bender    Lt. Commander
Outpost #201,  Faith A/G Penn.-Del. District

Your wife wants you to take the boys camping, so you quit taking her. 
Submitted by: John Bender    Lt. Commander
Outpost #201,  Faith A/G Penn.-Del. District

Duct tape and twine can fix anything. 
Submitted by: John Bender    Lt. Commander
Outpost #201,  Faith A/G Penn.-Del. District

Submitted by: BILL WEICHT    Straight Arrow
Outpost #145,  ASH GROVE A/G Southern Missouri District

You stop worrying about how clean the camp cook's hands are COMMANDER KEN 
Submitted by: Tim Hawley    Pioneer
Outpost #227,  Shrewsbury Assembly of God Penn.-Del. District

The pastor and three other's corner you in the wall, and ask you if you want to be work in ranger and the only answer is "YES". 
Submitted by: Jason Moon    Outpost Commander
Outpost #9,  River of Life Assembles Michigan District

If you've ever made tin-foil diners for a group of 50 Missionettes 
Submitted by: Commander Bob    RangerKids
Outpost #10,  1st AG Minot ND North Dakota District

You open up your meals at home with the Pledge of Allegiance, Pledge to the Christian Flag, the Royal Ranger Pledge and prayer before sitting down to eat. 
Submitted by: Lee "Red Dog" Hernandez    Other
Outpost #98,  Abundant Life Assembly of God Louisiana District

you get writer's gramp from signing certificates for the boys, or you get a rubber stamp with you signature on it to stamp the certificates.  
Submitted by: D.L. Huckabay Jr    Outpost Commander
Outpost #271,  New LIfe Community Church Northern California-Nevada District

you think a great meal comes wrapped in the same aluminum foil.  
Submitted by: D.L. Huckabay Jr    Outpost Commander
Outpost #271,  New Life Comminty Church Northern California-Nevada District

When you pray for a boy at a council fire and as he goes home he comes running up to you around your leg and hugs you saying "Thank you". 
Submitted by: Bill"Warthog" Keserich    Outpost Commander
Outpost #24,  Trinity Assembly of God-Algood,Tn Tennessee District

Your wife wonders if you are allowed to wear any clothes without a RR emblem and NOT break some regulation! 
Submitted by: Chuck Garcia    Senior Commander
Outpost #360,  Valley Bible Fellowship Soul Factory Southern California District

When the boy you thought never paid attention in class is the first one to respond to the alter call given after devotions. 
Submitted by: Terry Frith    Senior Commander
Outpost #34,  Charlotte Assembly of God Michigan District

You display all your pinewood derby cars and trophies, ribbons in your home office next to the family room so everyone can see them. 
Submitted by: Larry McMillan    Senior Commander
Outpost #116,  Bethel A/G Illinois District

You can't get at your workbench because all the previous years pinewood cars are in the way 
Submitted by: Bob Brinkman    RangerKids
Outpost #26,  Evangel/Milw. Wisconsin-N. Michigan District

if your mom thinks you are weird for shopping at fabric stores to find a flowery pattern for your FCF shirt. 
Submitted by: David Huff    Adventure
Outpost #88,  Crown Pointe Church Southern Missouri District

Your daughter and her husband get excited about helping you at Maine Yukon Day because the food is so good. 
Submitted by: Kimberly (Bustard) Pye    Other
Outpost #29,  First Assembly of God Northern New England District

You can recite all the requirements for earning the GMA and Gold Eagle medals in 3 minutes 
Submitted by: Daniel Bennett    Outpost Commander
Outpost #18,  Eastern AG Potomac District

If the only reason you go to a Royal Ranger Function is to see people get SAVED by the BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST!! AMEN 
Submitted by: Steven Kroon    Outpost Commander
Outpost #12,  Bethel AG Hagerstown Potomac District

Half of your living room decorations go to Rendezvous with you. 

You decide to lash together the new deck on the back of your house. 

You plan to serve foil meals at your next dinner party. 

You walk the streets in broad daylight with a coffee cup and flashlight hanging from your belt. 

You were arrested by airport security because of your FCF knife was in your suitcase. 

You didn't mind losing power to your house for three days. 

Your son hides his copy of your Adventures in Camping from you. 

Your plans for remodeling the bathroom include digging the hole deeper. 

You trade your 25 foot center console fishing boat in on that great little `15 foot canoe. 

You managed to find that 8th day in the week. 

You disconnect the automatic dishwasher in favor of the "3 pot method." 

You can start a fire using flint and steel. 

Latrines at camp start becoming comfortable. 

You gave your wife a mummy bag rated for -15 deg F for Christmas. 

You name one of your kids Deaver. 

You can recite the Royal Rangers code backwards, in order, in 2 seconds flat. 

You bought 10,000 shares of Coleman stock on an inside tip they were about to release a microwave accessory for their camp stove line. 

You plan to get rich by writing a best selling Dutch Oven cook book. 

You took a chemistry course at the local college to help you develop a better fire starter. 

The height of your social season is the District recognition dinner. 

Your are convinced the center of the universe is Camp Eagle Rock. 

You spend hours on your knees praying for boys. 

You might be a Royal Ranger if the only color beads you use on your FCF outfit are Gold Red and Blue. 
Submitted by: William A. Zerby   
Outpost #,    District

You carry a cut-and-chop card. 
Submitted by: Victor   
Outpost #,    District

If you make your kids say "Thank you" when passing the bread and butter knife. 
Submitted by: Ben Newby   
Outpost #,    District

Your summer vacation includes a trip to National Council, Camporama or Rendezvous. 
Submitted by: Victor   
Outpost #,    District

You own at least one Fred Dever original. 
Submitted by: Victor   
Outpost #,    District

Your pastor tells you that he doesn't want a real campfire in the sanctuary while you conduct a Council of Achievement. 
Submitted by: John Cates   
Outpost #,    District

You have bookmarked the RangerDJ Web Site as one of your "favorites" on your web browser. 
Submitted by: John Cates   
Outpost #,    District

Over half of your clothes has a Royal Ranger emblem on it. 
Submitted by: Bruce Pepper   
Outpost #,    District

You can't hear the word "ready" without breaking out into the whole Royal Ranger Motto while those "Non-Rangers" just stare at you as if you have lost your mind... (Tim Cooper West FL District) 

If your wife burns your dinner and you say "hey this is just like camp food!" 
Submitted by: Charlie Coon    Senior Commander
Outpost #,   West Florida District

Your son's pinewood derby car looks better than the new 2000 model chevy's. 
Submitted by: Charlie Coon    Senior Commander
Outpost #,   West Florida District

You enjoy roasting marshmallows with your toaster oven. 
Submitted by: Josh Hannum   
Outpost #,    District

You spend part of your vacation time from work at District Pow-Wow. 
Submitted by: Steve Roberts   
Outpost #,    District

You spend your honeymoon at a District Pow Wow. 
Submitted by: Phil Clark   
Outpost #,    District

You call your parents Commander. 
Submitted by: Travis Spuhler   
Outpost #,    District

Your dad checks your gig line befor you leave for school. 
Submitted by: Travis Spuhler   
Outpost #,    District

You bought your new born grandson a Royal Ranger uniform. 
Submitted by: Don Schoenheide   
Outpost #,    District

You might be a Royal Ranger if you ever had to pitch your tent in the rain. 
Submitted by: Noel"Spirit Rider"Bell   
Outpost #,    District

All you want for Christmas is camping equipment. 
Submitted by: Mike Dishman   
Outpost #,    District

Your pastor won't let you shoot your smoke pole in the sanctuary. 

You own more than 6 bolo ties. 
Submitted by: David Hedberg   
Outpost #,    District

You won't go out with a girl unless she can quote the Ranger Code. 
Submitted by: Tim Cooper    Senior Commander
Outpost #,   West Florida District

You traded off your momma's personalized picture for an Ohio State Rangers pin at National Camporama. 
Submitted by: Tim Cooper    Senior Commander
Outpost #,   West Florida District

You can't find a drop light but you can find a coleman lantern. 
Submitted by: Phillip Gschwend   
Outpost #,    District

You caught a nice trout on your selfmade "Ranger-fly" (Red, Gold and Blue offcause) 
Submitted by: Morten Hougaard   
Outpost #,    District

You do more work on your GMA than you do your school work. 
Submitted by: Randy Montz   
Outpost #,    District

You trade Pow Wow Patches instead of Baseball Cards! 
Submitted by: Michael "Little Crow" Crowley   
Outpost #,    District

Your family game room is decorated with 20 years of Royal Ranger patch and pictures. 
Submitted by: Tony LaBounty   
Outpost #,    District

You have purchased Altoids mints only to get the can to make your "char" cloth with. 
Submitted by: Tim Cooper    Senior Commander
Outpost #,   West Florida District

You can't pass up a flea Market or yard sale hoping to find that "final" piece for your FCF outfit. 
Submitted by: Tim Cooper    Senior Commander
Outpost #,   West Florida District

You tell all the new mothers in the church who have baby boys to start working with them on "The Rangers Pledge" 
Submitted by: Tim Cooper    Senior Commander
Outpost #,   West Florida District

Your mom or your wife knows the regulations for sewing the patches on your uniform by heart. 
Submitted by: Cmdr Dave   
Outpost #,    District

If you are never lost in the woods, and just a 'mite confused' for a while. 
Submitted by: Robert Simmons   
Outpost #,    District

If your whole family is blackpowder certified. 
Submitted by: Stan Decker   
Outpost #,    District

If you bring a nice big coffee Carafe to Pow-Wow, but forget all the coffee. (We love you Bridgewater!) 
Submitted by: Jeff Mayhew   
Outpost #,    District

The words "most miserable" and "fun" can both be used to describe a memorable camp out. 
Submitted by: Darryl Frith   
Outpost #,    District

You wake up at camp to your Senior Commander singing "Oh what a beautiful morning" using the voice of Kermit the Frog. frog. (Leah Crockett) 
Submitted by: Tim Cooper    Senior Commander
Outpost #,   West Florida District

You stop at every garage sale to find good deals on stuff for your outpost. 

If RangerDJ.com is book marked in your web browser. 

If you stay up all night working on your Royal Rangers website. 
Submitted by: DJ Hall    Outpost Commander
Outpost #88,  Central Assembly of God Southern Missouri District

You might be a Royal Ranger if you live in a tent instead of a house. 
Submitted by: Allen    Trailblazer
Outpost #113,  Canaan Assembly of God Mississippi District

your whole wodrobe is red, gold, blue. 
Submitted by: patrick    Trailblazer
Outpost #27,  Glad Tiddings Church Potomac District

The highlight of your year is the FCF Trace,and the christian fellowship with your best friends. 
Submitted by: Howard Smith    Outpost Commander
Outpost #20,  Muldoon Community Assembly Alaska District

You actually get these jokes and you don't understand why anyone would think this is strange... 
Submitted by: Kimberly Bustard    Junior Leader
Outpost #29,  First Assembly of God Northern New England District

YOu buy a new car on how much camping equipment it can hold 
Submitted by: curtis goble    Senior Commander
Outpost #110,  Pacific Christian Center Southern California District

If you take your wife to Cabellas for her birthday.(with her permission of course) 
Submitted by: Terry Frith    Outpost Commander
Outpost #34,  Charlotte A/G Michigan District

The highlight of your year is FCF Trace, and the christian fellowship with your friends. 
Submitted by: Howard Smith    Outpost Commander
Outpost #20,  Muldoon Community Assembly Alaska District

Your main peice of furniture is your fcf box. 
Submitted by: Robert Wilcox    Junior Leader
Outpost #29,  First Asembly of God Georgia District

If you wonder if that road kill you just passed on your way to work this morning would make a neat coonskin hat for your F.C.F. outfit. 
Submitted by: Terry Frith    Outpost Commander
Outpost #34,  Charlotte Assembly of God Michigan District

You wake up at a Winter Campout and are the only one left in the tent  
Submitted by: Gerald Griest    Adventure
Outpost #318,  Heritage Community Church Potomac District

Submit your own "You know your a Ranger if...".
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You know your a Royal Ranger if...

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