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Well Cave Walnut Grove, MO
Cavers: DJ Hall, Wayne Fitzner & David Yocum

Located in the front yard of an old farm house is a 120 year old well which drops down 36’. There is an old rusty steel ladder which is attached to the side wall of the well, however, the last section has broken away, so we repelled down the shaft, not depending on the ladder for support.
The water at the bottom of the well was only about 8” deep and a 3’ passage led to a small room 6’ x 8’, which contained a concrete dam. To the east a passage led to a stream filled with tan and yellow rocks.
The stream came out from under a 6” tall hole about 2’ wide. The stream was clear and mostly rock filled. There were some good formations, but nothing spectacular. Down stream 50’ it became very muddy and the cave split into an upper and lower passage for about 20’ and then joined together. Beyond that was a low water filled crawl which appeared too tight.
A nice little cave but not worth the drop down in my humble opinion.